
New Metal Member
:headbang: MOIKKIS! I have been a huge Anthrax fan since the beginning...... I'm curious as to what everyones favorite song is / album...and what album (if any) you DIDN'T like?? I'll post mine l8r..... I wanted to see what everyone has to say before I do. RTFO! \m/\m/ STAY METAL! XXX Holli:kickass: KIITOS! (Thank you!)
My favourite song is Indians followed by Time, Among the Living, Blood and Keep it in the Family. Favourite album is Among. Albums I dislike? Stomp, Vol. 8 and We've Come for You All.

Also, seeing as you're a CoB fan: best song: Bastards of Bodom, followed by Chokehold, Banned From Heaven, Lake Bodom, Warhearts, Bed of Razors...hell, too many to name! Album= Are You Dead Yet or Follow the Reaper.
My favorite song changes from time to time since I love a bunch of them. For now it would be 'I'm Alive'
Favorite Album is tuff cause I really like all of them. I'm gonna say it's POT
My least favorite is Stomp.