Favorite Band/Musician in Alphabetical Order


Art Geek
Jun 14, 2008
I saw a similar thing on a different forum. It looked fun. :) It seems like a great way to discover new talent.

1. post an band/musicians who's name comes next in the alphabet.
2. Real names only, not internet usernames like xXx_killersongz_xXx
3. Band/Musician can be all genres, instruments, and eras.
4. Post either a video or link to their work.
5. After Z, we go back to A again
6. Oh yeah, no one pick the same artist twice. Actually read the thread.
7. If it's a band name with more than one word, it go's under the alphabet as the first letter of the first word. If it's a name it's the first letter of the last name. So Angus Young would go under Y but Pink Floyd would go under P.

Ok, I'll start:


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Dso. h8 2 plg em agian. Actually if we are going to do this, try make it as obscure as possible. All those above bands most people will know around here. The OP does say the point is to find new music, so for D. Dark- Tamna Voda, an Electronic/Jazz album from the late 80's.
Please post either a link to a video or a website where we can sample the music.

A great band from Polland. Their music is heavily inspired by Tool but they add more textures to music by using things like violins, harps, and didgeridoos. They only have one album (I think it might just be an EP actually) called S.U.S.A.R . I highly recommend it. All but two songs on it (the weakest songs on the album imo) are instrumental. They'll be releasing a new album later this year or early next year. The vocal tracks feature the singer from an other awesome Polish band called Riverside. If you like his voice then get the album Second Life Syndrome (or if you're more into Floydian soundscapes get Out of Myself). It's GREAT.

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god christ didgeridoos are stupid fucking instruments...and this is coming from an australian

scott Kinsey