Favorite Black Metal Vocalist?


The Master of Disaster
This has probably been done before up here, but while we hit fav drummers and fav guitarist I figure....what the fuck. Might aswell complete the phase. I'd have to say my fav on other parts of the band is more varied from other groups but my fav BM vocalist would have to be Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir.
I mostly like the extreme black metal voices, like Marduk, Nargaroth & Judas iscariot. I tried to do that myself a few times, but after a minute or so my throath was hurting so much I couldn't speak.
Maybe not black metal, but I like the voice of the testament frontman a lot. I saw him on a TV-show and his voice was just the same as on CD, really impressing.
I can't really say THIS one is the best one, I have so many BM CD's I would have to listen to them all to make my dicision.
- Beliar - Mayhemic Truth
- Jens Ryden - Naglfar
- Pest - Gorgoroth/ Obtained Enslavement
- Ihsahn - Emperor
- Nocturno Culto - Darkthrone
I' d say Legion, The Emperor Nattaset (DMB) and Ihsahn as he sings on ITNE.

(And as for what I'm listening to, please spare any comments you might feel like making: the fact that I like Muse as well as black metal shows nothing except open-mindedness)
I would have said Shagrath back in 97, but on the latest album he sounds pretty...hmm... bad. I don't like the vocals on the new album. Ihsahn is one, Garm (Wolf, Trickster G etc) is good too. Maniac has a pretty tormenting scream and he sounds convincing when he speaks the vocals. My current favorites are (have been for a few years) Satyr and Galder. Satyr especially on The Shadowthrone and Nemesis Divina, Galder basically on every OMC recording.
Originally posted by humus666
I mostly like the extreme black metal voices, like Marduk, Nargaroth & Judas iscariot. I tried to do that myself a few times, but after a minute or so my throath was hurting so much I couldn't speak.

I don't know how the fuck they vocalize a whole song while tryin to do that shit, but I think it's bad ass aswell. That's either some serious talent or they record earlier versions and then go over them kinda like lip-synching to a degree in case they mess up. (?) Fuck, even Shagrath's shit is hard to do. His voice and mine are nearly identical so I can hit most of his key tones which is unusual, but eventually my voice goes out halfway into the length of one of his songs. I.E: Chaos Without Prophecy. Keep in mind, he's gotta hit those key tones at certain points in the song and make rhythm to it aswell (otherwise it won't make sense or might sound off the drum beat or really shitty) since all their songs are incredibly detailed if you read the lyrics. Watching alot of his gigs though on stage I noticed he uses something to clear up the throat and thus enhance the ability I'm sure....or atleast prolong it. He drenches himself in blood, gargles it and spits it in the air every now and then in the middle of a song. (Mourning Palace for example). That's blood's probably a mixture of cough syrup for clarity, ketchup for thickness and some of that fake but non-toxic studio blood or someshit. Anyway I tried using some and it helped a bit, but he's still gotta have some talent to do that shit. I dunno.....with me anyway the fuckin fake blood I was using just happened to be toxic so that fuckin blew ass. LoL and that was yesterday so my throats all fucked up. :cry: :mad: :cool: :D
darn....i forgot too many!

Satyr: Satyricon ;)
drakh Wrath: Enochian Crescent
Attila: Mayhem/Tormentor/Plasma Pool
Pest: Gorgoroth
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but also:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Dani Filth? Gees, I like COF, but saying Dani is the best vocalist shows you don't have many BM-records...those screams of him sometimes really ennous me