Favorite Borknagar album

Eternal_Frost said:
What is everyones favorite borknagar ablbum? Im only 14 and have been listenig to Borknagar for 2 years and I think that Archaic Course is their best.
I agree with you. Archaic Course is my favorite too! I've never heard the first album but I would rank the rest of them
1. archaic course
2. empiricism
3. the olden domain
4. quintessence
Eternal_Frost said:
What is everyones favorite borknagar ablbum? Im only 14 and have been listenig to Borknagar for 2 years and I think that Archaic Course is their best.

Hey, good to see some other younger Borknagar fans around here, I am 15. I'd have to say that I am tied between The Archaic Course/Quintessence/Empericism... i love them all :(
I like The Archaic Course, and Empiricism probaly the best but all of them are good. Haven't heard a lot of The Olden Domain and the self titled cd, but the few songs i heard were really good.
The Archaic Course is one of the better albums ever. Period.
Just wait till you hear Epic. It's better than it's predecessor.
It is close between Archaic Course and Empiricism. I love Vortex's paganistic sounding vocals and I also love Vintersorg's unique kind of gruff, sexy reminds me a little of Queensryche vocals. I'm a girl so I can say Vintersorg has a sexy voice!!!
I only have the first three, and I would rank them thusly:

1. The Olden Domain
2. s/t
3. The Archaic Course

Btw, I am about 23 and have been listening for about a half a year or so. I will definitely be getting Epic whenever it is released.