Favorite CD Artist


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I'm not much of a CD art person, but I'd be lying if I said certain CD covers didn't grab my attention. Personally, I still think the finest cover art is Dissection's Storm of the Lights Bane by Kristian Wahlin (sp?). For some reason, I'm transfixed by it.

A lot of people love to praise Travis Smith, but he's never really impressed me other than Tonight's Decision. While I love the music, the Terria cover is putrid. And Blackwater Park is just a copy of Morningrise and My Arms, Your Hearse.

So what are some of your favorite CD artists, or CD covers? And if you say Cannibal Corpse, kill yourself now.
I love cryptic stuff like:


Kristian Wåhlin has done LOTS of great covers... Dan Seagrave has done very detailed and moody work for a lot of 90's death metal: Pestilence, Entombed, Benediction, Dismember, Morbid Angel...



I myself am not too happy with the current popularity of Photoshopped covers. Sure, Niklas Sundin and Travis Smith are obviously very talented, but old painted/drawn covers are more fun than something like this:


or this:

I'm not sure about all the artist names and such, but these are some covers I like:

ATROX - Orgasm (it reminds me of "Where the Wild Things Are". Tha band claim to be 'schizo metal' and the artwork fits well)

LORD BELIAL - Enter the Moonlight Gate (honestly, I would have bought this CD by now on cover alone had it not been for the worldwide hatred it received by every reviewer)

EMPEROR - Reverence (this sums up the black metal image perfeclty for me, and it's not just another picture of some evergreen vegitation in the snow)

AGALLOCH - Stone Wind Pillor (My favourite artist here is Gustave Dore and I'm hoping to use his artwork on the next RC shirt design)
yeah, Dismember's 'Like an Everflowing Stream' is excellent. As is that Emperor cover. Who did Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk? I really liked that one.

I want to frame the picture that is used on Katatonia's 'Dscouraged Ones', as I think that is a beautiful piece of work.

If you go here: http://www.unhinged.me.uk/, you'll find the works by my favorite artist. Erik, you might especially like the one called "The Harvest". It's all the way over on your right hand side. I'd like to see a CD with that cover.
Tool's artwork always grabs me, especially how some is interactive. Alex Grey's work on Lateralus is stunning, and I normally don't like that kind of computer generated junk.

This is one of my all time favorites, very simple, but I love it:

It was my first King Crimson album though, that probably has a bit to do with it.

Pretty much any good picture or rendition of a forest too. Keep it simple though.

Sepultura's covers were always cool, especially how most of the first ones have Stonehenge hidden somewhere on them.
I was actually going to post "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" as an example of total suckage. I think that one is a very amateurish cover.
The Ulver trilogy covers and all Kittelsen ones.
Also, Transilvanian Hunger has some great cover art which shows what the album is like nearly to perfection in my eyes.
Derek Riggs. 'nuff said :cool: you don't get much cooler than the covers for Killers and Live After Death...
Dan Seagrave is easily my favorite.

What's the matter with Cannibal Corpse covers? Vince Locke is from around here and he sits bored at a table at the twice a year big comic book convention, the Motor City Comic Con.
Nothing wrong with Cannibal Corpse artwork, I didn't see Dreamlord's comment earlier. Sure, they are gory, but they have a particular flair where you can actually distinguish theirs from other gore bands. Plus they aren't revolting like a lot gore bands are.
I must say, the artwork for Clandestine is beautiful.

And who did the artwork for Beneath the Remains, Arise, and Chaos AD? That was all the same artist, right?
Cannibal COrpse's artwork has always looked too cartoonish to me. If i want gore artwork, I'll look at Pig Destroyer's 'Prowler in the Yard', or something like this:

Ayeka said:
Derek Riggs. 'nuff said :cool: you don't get much cooler than the covers for Killers and Live After Death...
Powerslave is also an excellent cover.

His latter day computer-generated stuff is really horrible, however.
JayKeeley said:
And who did the artwork for Beneath the Remains, Arise, and Chaos AD? That was all the same artist, right?
Michael Whelan (yes, I had to look it up :p ). I love those covers, especially Chaos A.D.

That's what I like about CC covers, that they are cartoonish. I don't really want to see an actual photo of an unearthed grave or anything.