Favorite CD Artist

Dreamlord said:
I only listen to my promo of n crugu bradului, so as not to disturb the leaf.

My leaf is slowly falling apart. :( I may follow Erik and put the CD in a jewel case.
Any specially packaged CDs I have go straight to the Fake Leather CD Wallet Thingy that I carry as if my life depended on it. Unless I don't listen to it, then they gather dust with the package. :)
As a cd collector, those sleeves are the worst thing to put your discs in. Easily scrathes discs.

Favorite covers... hmmm,

Dan Seagrave (all of the classic Roadrunner, R/C, Earache Records releases back in the day...)

Vincent Locke of Cannibal Corpse fame

ABSU "3rd Storm Of cythraul"
Absu "Tara"

Ed Repka (Death's "Spritual Healing", Vio-Lence's "Eternal Nightmare" among other things)

Marduk "heaven Shall Burn When We Are Gathered"

Nocturnus The Key"
Nocturnus "Thresholds"

Celtic Frost "Emperor's return"
JayKeeley said:
Powerslave is also an excellent cover.

His latter day computer-generated stuff is really horrible, however.
Powerslave is grand, especially when you've got the vinyl, but it's never been a favourite of mine exactly. The comic-book horror style stuff really grabs me, it's so....cool :cool:

And until just now I had never seen any computer-done Riggs stuff...and I must say that these examples are TERRIBLE!!!
Interesting...not as good as a zombie bursting out the ground though :D

Seeing as Del openly admits to listening to the Spice Girls, I imagine there must be some kind of mental disorder at work here -_-

Good computer art, this guy did the artwork for Tool - Lateralus. There's a really cool mirror project thingy in there, rather interesting. The guy look kinda like Devon Townsend too. :lol:


This is Tool's tribute to digital art, which is... really strange. You need a fast internet connection and a 312049830432409 GHz CPU to view it properly.

H.R. Giger covers rock too, but all of H.R. Giger rocks so that's no surprise.

ELP - Brain Salad Surgery:

Carcass - Heartwork:

Danzig III:

3D artwork boxset, which is really cool:
JayKeeley said:
I'm not sure about all the artist names and such, but these are some covers I like:

ATROX - Orgasm (it reminds me of "Where the Wild Things Are". Tha band claim to be 'schizo metal' and the artwork fits well)

Bet you wouldn't say that if you knew who painted it... - I, The Evil Pig, did :Spin:

So, to my question: who painted the Scald covers? It looks exactly like Giger, but I've seen people refer to it as "Giger-esque". Did someone really rip off Giger or did he paint them? Didn't find them on his official homepage...
monikaedv said:
Bet you wouldn't say that if you knew who painted it... - I, The Evil Pig, did :Spin:
Is that true? I'm being honest when I say the artwork is fantastic. Do you sell your art?

You know, I was going to include you as an option in the "Evil Badass" thread poll (as 'PigBabe') and now I kinda wish I did. I might have even voted for you.
Yes, I saw that, that's why I called myself The Evil Pig hehehe... I've sold a few pictures but I'm extremely slow at painting things on commission, like a year or more. And now I must work on a couple of new covers as well, so it will be long till I'll paint pictures for sale, I think. Got a few almost finished, though. With only 2 or 3 faces in them. There are some of them on my homepage + the other 13 pictures for the Atrox CD.

Oink ö owiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
Thanks! I checked out the homepage and he paints very well - I just don't see how he can live with himself when he rips off Giger so completely! The Scald covers looked to me as if Giger had taken some inspiration from Celtic art into his usual style. Some of the faces and shapes look as if they were just copied directly from Giger's paintings.

Well well, McCarroll might eventually find his completely own style and then he'll probably rule! :hotjump: