Favorite CD Artist

Erik said:
You know what I said earlier about liking painted pictures better than Photoshopped ones?
Hey, I already called that Derek Riggs turned to shit with his computerized love affair!! You stole my thunder by using pictorial examples. :p
I know. I just had to see for myself. I knew the shit he did for gay clubs like Stratofagius and Ram-a-Gay was fucking awful but this goes beyond awful into the realms of MR. RIGGS, YOU WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO TOUCH A COMPUTER AGAIN! AND THAT'S FINAL!!!!!!!!!1

Look, heavy metal chix0r! With a Ferrari!
Most of the albums I dig have dismal, even darken than black covers,
but these one are fine ...
Hey, that's not how the promo version of Gorgoroth looks... It has the members' ugly mugs in place of that burning church. That version is much better.
I like the artwork in Taake - Nattestid because the whole thing is written in Dwarvish and that just rules, regardless of whether I know what the hell it says or not. :)

Negura Bunget artwork is awesome, 'N Crugu Bradului is probably the coolest packaging I've ever seen.
Erik said:
This will not be printed in colour so consider yourselves lucky to see it this way. :<
I'm going to print that out on one of the fancy color printers at work so I can say LOOOK I HAVE S THE RAER VERSOIN!!!!!11111111
NAD said:
I like the artwork in Taake - Nattestid because the whole thing is written in Dwarvish and that just rules, regardless of whether I know what the hell it says or not. :)
Both Nattestid Ser Porten Vid and Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik has the lyrics written in Norwegian, though using the 24-type futhark. As will the vhhöly ascent of Nasheim. We would have done it even if noone had done it before us because we're fucking true.