Favorite/coolest song or album titles


From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
Aug 7, 2002
Stockholm, Sverige
So, what's your favorite song/album titles? Do you like short striking ones like "Tormentor" or longer more describing sentences? Should they be over the top or serious and maybe abit pretentious? What sub genre has the best ones? Do you (or have done) check out albums or songs because of the titles, or do you not care at all?

I don't have a perfect example right now, will get back to it when I've pondered abit more but I often like song titles that follow this formula: "striking word (sentence that put the word in contex)". :p

Feel free to just post lists if you like!

As someone who has a long list of song titles I want to write songs just so I can use, song titles mean a lot to me. The best song title of all time is "You End. Get Up! You" by DOOM.

Others I like;

Dark quarterer dark quarterer dark quarterer.
Crystal Logic.
Every The Chasm song/album title.
Mystic Places of Dawn.
Oh and KILL WITH POWER of course.

Longer answer; I like titles that express some thought or feeling or evoke some image all on their own, that could be taken as one-line poems almost. Don't write the greatest song ever and then slap some afterthought one-word title on it. I like long titles in general but two-word titles can be good if it's a creative combination (again, Crystal Logic).

Some examples of non-metal song titles I like;
"Stop the Clock"
"Everything Beautiful is Far Away"
"How to Disappear Completely"
"The Past is a Grotesque Animal"
"Throw Down the Sword"
"Cities Beneath the Sea"
"Ektakröm Killer" (ok this one isn't poetic or anything, just badass)
etc. there are probably some great ones I'm not even thinking of right now.
Bitch Death Teenage Mucous Monster from Hell will always hold a special place in my heart.

Molesting the Decapitated because my dad found the cd when I was a teenager...
Kill Your Mother/Rape Your Dog
Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy

Really anything fucking disgusting when I was a teenager because I was so desperate to lash out at the world but I was quiet.

Will post some more recent stuff later.
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Two come to mind:
Gloryhammer - Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards
Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule
The Hopelessness of Passing Time and the Melancholy of Unalterable Past Events
jk, I meant (but it's still a real song title!):
Consciousness is Nature's Nightmare

Pretty much anything from Deathspell Omega

I, Chronocrator
I've noticed a parttern. My favorite album titles are all 6-7 words and involve imagery of colors and/or celestial bodies:

At the Gates- The Red in the Sky is Ours
Darkthrone- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Dead Can Dance- Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
Swans- White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
Emperor- Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

These are all beautiful and captivating; they are intensly vivid but also abstract and obscure in a way that triggers the imagination.

The other two that popped to mind were:
My Dying Bride- Turn Loose the Swans
Theatre of Tragedy- Velvet Darkness They Fear

Not quite the same, but similar balance of obscure imagery.
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The Red in the Sky is Ours has been one of my favourite album titles for a long time for similar reasons to what you stated. I also like With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness.

Some favourite song titles:

Entering a Superior Dimension - more of a mission statement than a song title!
Beyond All Horizons - This songs takes you there.
Night Comes Blood Black
The Territory of Witches/Guardians of the Dark Lake
As the Eternity Opens
I'm not really a big fan of Grinded Nig-style controversial song titles (with a few exceptions), I think I'm much on the same page as @crimsonfloyd on this one.

One of my absolute favs are not metal but: Death in June - But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?