Favorite Dio song??????


Sep 24, 2008
Northeast Alabama
With the news of Ronnie being sick,I started thinking about him and the impact on metal he had and still has.It got me thinking about if I had to pick one song what would it be?
This question applies to any song he sang(as solo or with band).It's so hard to pick for me personally but right now I guess it would be "Sunset Superman".
I'm sure in 5 minutes I'll change my mind but I'll start with that one.

Long live the king of the devil horns:headbang::headbang::headbang:
HOLY DIVER!!! enough said, no not really there are just so damn many to choose from.
'Heaven And Hell' best song ever in metal history.

'A Light In The Black' second place.
wow,, tough one! If I HAD to pick only one song I would say "Don't Talk To Strangers". Dio is one of my faves and HOLY DIVER is my fave cd.
Stargazer, Don't Talk to Strangers, MOTSM... so many great songs... Lonely Is The Word, After All...

Such a voice -- such a stage presence. Many prayers for his comfort, for his family, and for a full recovery.

My oldest son, his first idol was Ronnie. At age 2, his fave song was "Man on the Silver Mountain". As Emmett got older, his musical tastes were influenced by movies, friends, etc..., and he's no longer a Dio-phile. (But he went through a Ray Alder phase for several years... so I know my kid's got a good ear!)
The song "Caught In The Middle" is my favorite. Great chorus.

Tarot Woman
Rainbow in the Dark
I Could've Been A Dreamer
Heaven and Hell
Sign of the Southern Cross
Turn Up the Night
The Mob Rules
Holy Diver
We Rock
Naked in the Rain

OMG, I love so many of anything DIO has been involved!