Favorite Drum Mics?


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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Although different mics may be better for every situation, what do you find is your overall favorite mics on drums? Maybe a 57 on a snare, a D2 on toms, etc...also, what do you find yourself using the most often?
Another vote here for the D6 on the kick. It's simply the best kick mic I've ever used.
For toms I like the Sennheiser e604, sm57, or ATM25

Overheads: A nice matched pair of Oktava Mc012 can sound wonderful.

Room: A T-Bone/Nady/Apex el-cheapo ribbon mic put thru a Distressor set to 'nuke' is simply awesome.

is there any benefit to using different mic's micing snare top and bottom? as supposed to say 2 57's?
Frankie said:
is there any benefit to using different mic's micing snare top and bottom? as supposed to say 2 57's?

I tried lots of different combos at the end of a session this summer and found that the best results for me came from a SM57 on top and an i5 on the bottom. The i5 added some depth to the crack of the snare that two 57's alone couldn't do.
Has anyone used the Audix D-Series on drums with good results? I have my choice right now of either getting 3 Sennheiser MD421's with clips...OR, an Audix D1, 2 of the D2, and a D4 with clips...for the same price. Any opinion on these mics?
I used the D2's and D4's before and got decent sounds with them. However, i still prefer the 421's on the toms. But you have to make sure the TOMS ARE TUNED! If they are out of tune, you'll be EQing them for days. I also find that if you tune the toms to 4ths or 5ths, they cut the mix really nicely. Try tuning the lower tom head (resonant head) a 4th or 5th below the batter head. When you get to lower toms like 14", 16", or 18" you might have to settle with unisons because the resonant head may be too loose to try 4ths or 5ths. This is just my 2 cents!
My list is a little long (I've always tracked drums in a large studio, whether it be at school or a hired place, so some of these mics are a little more high end than we're used to on this forum):

Kick: D112 inside, NS10 speaker outside(or Subkick), U47/67/87 or 414 a few feet back in a tunnel
Snare Top: 57 and 451 taped together
Snare Bottom: 414 or 441 or 57
Toms: 421's for heavy stuff, U87's if I trust the drummer
OH's: 4038's, 414's, or C12's
Rooms: a single 57 pointed opposite to the drumkit, as far away as possible(usually ends up pointed at control room window), 4038's, mono or stereo U87's, 414's
Hihat: 451 or SM81
Ride: 451 or SM81

I love great room sounds, so I try to put up several pairs and a few mono mics all around the kit and later pick and choose what I want to use in the mix, or change them up throughout the song for different flavors for different sections of the song.
vile_ator said:
And then we throw away those carefully miced sounds and replace with someone elses samples! haha. Just kidding. But its true....


Really? That's an interesting thought....

Neil K.
Its surprising how similar the audix sound to 421's, just with a little less attack, but the actual eq curve of them sounds very close. I've used the D1 on snare recently and had great results. I'm really loving the yamaha sub kick also, just bought another one.