Favorite E.O.S. albums in order....


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
K...I love Edge of Sanity, but sucks to say I only have 4 albums and that's it. K, so maybe I'm not a die-hard fan, lol. I'm just broke and E.O.S. CD's are kinda hard to come by, so anyways.....

Please post YOUR favorite albums IN ORDER of favorite to least favorite. Also, Hey DAN,...I'm curious to wonder whic albums are YOUR favorites too. Not just production wise either, but material wise.....

In the few I have are:
1. Purgatory Afterglow
2. Infernal
3. The Spectral Sorrows
4. Evolution

A lot of people talk about "The Spectral Sorrows" being the best....idunno, it's got some o.k. tracks but I like Infernal and Purgatory much more.
I'm not gonna count Evolution since it's a compilation and not an actual 'album' (be it full length or EP).

1. Spectral Sorrows
2. Unorthodox
3. Crimson II
4. Purgatory Afterglow
5. Crimson
6. Until Eternity Ends
Tied for last: Nothing But Death Remains and Infernal

Dan's stuff on Infernal is great, but the other half of the album is rather crappy. As is the entire Cryptic album, which I won't even dignify as an Edge album.
I haven't heard them all equally, or as much as they deserve yet, but here goes...

1. Crimson
2. Purgatory Afterglow
3. Crimson II
4. Unorthodox
5. Spectral Sorrows
6. Nothing But Death Remains
7. Infernal

8. Cryptic (I've never heard it)

Crimson is FAR above the others in my opinion, though I like them all.
1. Crimson
2. Crimson II
3. Purgatory Afterglow
4. The rest of 'em (can't be any more specific, as it depends so much on my mood - yet Cryptic is probably the weakest)

1. Crimson
2. The Unorthodox
3. Purgatory Afterglow
4. Crimson II
5. Nothing But Death Remains
6. The Spectral Sorrows
7. Until Eternity Ends
8. Infernal
9. Cryptic

D-uh.. forgot about UEE
Don't mind if I do:

1. Unorthodox
2. Crimson II
3. Crimson
4. Purgatory Afterglow
5. The Spectral Sorrows/Until Eternity Ends EP
6. Infernal
7. Nothing But Death Remains
8. Cryptic (no use for this one at all, other than "Hell Written")
Purgatory Afterglow (masterpiece. other albums come long way behind. contains EoS's best track 'of darksome origin'.)
Cryptic (death'n'roll for my taste.)
The Spectral Sorrows (got some classics like 'jesus cries' 'darkday' etc.)
Until Eternity Ends (quite catchy, groovy and brutal songs like 'bleed'. too short.)
Infernal (the sound of this album is unique, so metal. and one of the greatest openings for the record is 'hell is where the heart is')
Unorthodox ('enigma' little-crimson. eh.)
Crimson (+: 40min. -: 40min. needs time to listen.)
Crimson II (misses something when compared to C1.)
Nothing But Death Remains (well, you must start somewhere.)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, top 5

Spectral Sorrows
Purgatory Afterglow
Crimson 2

the good thing is, they're all good :Spin:
1. Crimson
2. Spectral Sorrows
3. Purgatory Afterglow
4. Crimson II
5. Infernal

That's about it for me. Unorthodox sounded ok when I heard it, but I don't actually have it.
I've only got four EoS albums.

1. Crimson II
2. Infernal
3. Crimson
4. Cryptic

I was I bit disappointed when I didn't hear Swanö on Cryptic, but it's still a decent album. Must buy Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow from somewhere...
1. Purgatory Afterglow
2. The Spectralsorrows
3. Crimson I
4. Until Eternity Ends
5-T. Unorthodox/Infernal
7. Crimson II
8. Evolution
9. Nothing But Death Remains (amazing how bad the debut was in every way, hell even the sound levels fluctuate during songs, huge improvement on Unorthodox though)
I never got the Cryptic album, looks like all but 1 of you hate it.
thespectralsorrows said:
I never got the Cryptic album, looks like all but 1 of you hate it.

I don't hate it, it just isn't as good as the rest... But I've had like a ten times worse albums. So, Cryptic isn't that bad I guess...
thespectralsorrows said:
9. Nothing But Death Remains (amazing how bad the debut was in every way, hell even the sound levels fluctuate during songs, huge improvement on Unorthodox though)
Really? I think it's rather badass, well except for the sound level thing. The songs themselves are very good though.
Yeah, I enjoy the songs on the debut album. They have more of a Scream Bloody Gore type feel to them than their later work, and Dan's vocals sound awesome. However, the production definitely renders the album somewhat impotent, as it has what might possibly be the worst drum sound ever put to tape.
1. Crimson
2. Crimson II
3. Purgatory Afterglow
4. Until Eternity Ends
5. Spectral Sorrows
6. Unorthodox
7. Infernal
8. Cryptic

Crimson is by far the best, one of my all time favourite albums. Crimson II and Purgatory are pretty much a tie in my eyes, although C2 is a tad better. Until Eternity Ends is just damn cool, Spectral and Unorthodox are pretty much a tie too... all those 6 albums rule, wheras Infernal and Cryptic aren't quite as good... especially not Cryptic :yuk:
1. Crimson II
2. Purgatory Afterglow
3. Spectral Sorrows
4. Crimson
5. Until Eternity Ends
6. Unorthodox
7. Infernal
8. Cryptic

Alltho i have quite much only listened the first 4.
Hmmm...very difficult cause each album has a unique piece so at last I love 'em all. So I write them down as I heard them most at last.

1.) Crimson II
2.) Unorthodox
3.) Infernal
4.) Until eternity ends
5.) Nothing but death remains
6.) Crimson
7.) The spectral sorrows
8.) Purgatory afterglow

And Cryptic is the last EoS-album which I don't have. But that's ok. The Songs on it are to different to the whole album-lineup. "Not of this world" is a good song on the Cryptic-Album. But I can't remember the other the Songs.