favorite guitar solos?

I can't really choose one. Suffocation - Pierced from Within has some cool leads, as does Regorge - Assembled in Defiance, and Arghoslent - Mob of the Howling. Windham Hell have lots of really cool solos, though many of their songs are kind of like one big solo.
Perhaps Varg's solo in "Key to the Gate" or David Gimoure's solo in "Shine on you Crazy Diamond". The acoustic guitar solo in Agalloch's "Great Cold Death of the Earth" is up there too. Its a hard question to answer cuz there's so many to choose from...
nice topic...

michael angelo... speed kill, speed lives... drooooooling awesome!!!!! must see/hear for all u ppl...

besides... malmsteen solos... !! satch!! vai..!! and ofcourse... children of bodom slols...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/m\!!