favorite Jean-Claude Van Damme movie?

Dead_Lioness said:
"whats your favorite Van Damm movie"

I dont understand the question...

ahhh go back to canada, you fake american! hahaha
Bloodsport is one of my alltime favorite movies. The kickboxer movies were pretty good too.
Im not big on any of his newer movies though... not that any of them are new, but yea... you know.
Wasnt he in NINJA TURTLES ALSO the 2 nd one. Kino the pizza boy right????
STEVEN SEAGAL IS THE SHIT. UNDER SEIGE ALL THE WAY. mmm I think im gonna watch that now.
"Wakey Wakey Burke Time to Bleed!" - Main bad guy from Death Warrant. Then he smashes a light bulb in Van Damme's face.

Death Warrant is a gem.

Yeah but check out Ernie now that he's "full grown". He tore shit UP in The Rundown... beat the Rock up a good one...
i dont remember that movie. there was lots of cocktail and bong rip action before we hit the theatre. all i remember is they ate some crazy fruit that pralizes and gives some cool visuals. and christopher walken was hella funny as usual.


if you think im being serious, do yourself a favor and slap yourself in the face.