Favorite Katagory V song


Jan 15, 2007
Illinois, USA
Well, I did a search, and I can't believe there's no thread about everyone's favorite Kat-V song!

Unfortunately for me, I've only heard two Katagory V albums, so my favorite song(s) will probably change as I hear more and more material. And I can guarantee you all that I will! :rock:

So far my favorites are:
Kings of the Valley
Evil Princess

So how about the rest of you? And what about the band? What songs do you guys like to play the best? Let's get some discussion rolling while we wait for announcements. :)
Actually, there was a thread like this long ago, but fell into the UM's archival thread dungeon. :cry:

As far as favorite songs to perform live - that is a hard one to answer myself - an not speaking for the other guys… I'll try my best and pick them each by album:

Present Day
Evil Princess
I Live On
Present Day

A New Breed of Rebellion
A Peaceful Act of Terrorism
Turn To Grey
A New Breed of Rebellion
No Response
One Last Time

The Rising Anger
Will You Remember
The Elitist
Risk and Sacrifice

Hymns of Dissension
Listen to You, Listen to Me
Apologetic Heart
Kings of the Valley
Forlorn Child

I actually loved to play the title track to A New Breed of Rebellion a lot, but we haven't had that in the set list for years due to a few former members in the band that felt it was too much work to rehearse due to it's length and instrument change over. I really feel we need to add that one back in the set list again. :Saint:

I enjoy playing Will You Remember live with the three-part vocal harmonies and the a capella beginning. It is a bit of a challenge to get that song tight live vocally, but when it's on… it is ON! However, there are some shows where it has been off, and it isn't pretty. This is another one I'd love to get back in the set list.
Instrument changeover and a capella = WIN. I think those would both be amazing live, and I'm sure you'll pick a vocallist who can do the a capella bits. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)

Also, Kings of the Valley is such a good fist-pumping song. :D
Very hard question... Only one?

I 'll go with "Risk and Sacrifice" and "The Elitist" from the previous album and "Apologetic Heart" from the new one. Also the final track of ANBOR, which I can't remember its title now. And "Evil Princess" of course. :D
Instrument changeover and a capella = WIN. I think those would both be amazing live, and I'm sure you'll pick a vocallist who can do the a capella bits. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)

Also, Kings of the Valley is such a good fist-pumping song. :D

Indeed! If we can nail down a singer that can handle 3 and 4 part harmonies live, that song will go back into the live setting immediately. Ah yes, the wonders of recreating studio magic live. :lol:

Funny thing about Kings... When I wrote that, the rest of the guys didn't really care for it much (except Marc) and it almost wasn't going to make the album at one point. However, it seems to have been a good decision to save it, as the consensus of fans dig that song. Although we love to get technical, sometimes its good to bring it down to a simple level and do a good fist-pounding metal anthem.
Very hard question... Only one?

I 'll go with "Risk and Sacrifice" and "The Elitist" from the previous album and "Apologetic Heart" from the new one. Also the final track of ANBOR, which I can't remember its title now. And "Evil Princess" of course. :D

The final track on ANBOR? I think that would One Last Time. I haven't even though of that song or heard it in years. A good tune that Curtis wrote, but vocally it used to bother me a lot, and could have been much better. However, the acoustic transition and guitar solo (if I remember correctly) was absolutely beautiful on that track.

I forgot about Apologetic Heart... that song really rocks! Ever since Marc left the band, that song got put on the back burner for live shows. I believe we need to throw that back into the set list as well as write more up-tempo track like that!
I would like to throw in my 3 or so cents. In no particular order:

1. Elitist - I like the bluesy breakdown in the middle, it's unexpected, but it fits.
2 Will you remember - Because I ripped off Peter Lesperence (Harem Scarem) in the solo.
3. Workforce - I think it's one of the hookiest vocal things Kat V has written imho.
4. Apologetic Heart - Because other people like it :)
5. Turn to grey - Fun to play
7. Kings of the Valley - Nice straight up rock tune.
8. Forlorn child - Oh yes! We dipped our little toes into the death vocal pool - found it to be warm and inviting!
The final track on ANBOR? I think that would One Last Time. I haven't even though of that song or heard it in years. A good tune that Curtis wrote, but vocally it used to bother me a lot, and could have been much better. However, the acoustic transition and guitar solo (if I remember correctly) was absolutely beautiful on that track.

Yeah, "One Last Time".

It was the song that made me the best impression after the first listen of ANBOR.
Since I've been practicing some select tunes for a setlist, those are obviously the tunes that I know best. Out of those songs, my absolute favorite has to be "Fading In..." Dustin sounds very pronounced on that song. Matt shows that he can still play some insane parts while keeping things relatively mellow. Every time I hear the guitar harmonies in the solo section, I get tingles. I know these guys get sick of the Fates Warning comparisons, but I immediately thought of "Island In The Stream" when I first heard it. It has that same beautiful emotion to it. The lyrics are what seals the deal for me, though. They make me think of how much I would miss some of the folks in my life if they were to leave this world. I can't wait to sing this one live.

Stay metal. Never rust.

I wasn't aware that Dustin did such a thing, but now that I know about it, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll make him do it on stage! Orbweaver's got my back on this.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Well, I guess I'm a little late to this one. But here goes:

Before seeing the guys perform last night at Midwest Metal Anthem, I would have said it was between Evil Princess and Sands of Time. But I have to say, the new song "Far Too Long" that they performed was amazing! I cannot wait for this new album to get finished and released.

You guys sounded so great last night, and, bias aside, I really do think that Al is a great fit for this band. Keep up the unbelievable work!!

Big Jay
Hey Jay!
Thanks for the props, and thanks for coming out to see us! :rock:

Barring any unforseen circumstances (which always happens with us), hopefully a new album with Al will not be far away... and also we can hopefully come back to Chicago again in the near future!