Favorite Megadeth Guitarist excluding Dave Mustaine

Jun 25, 2004
Which was your favorite Lead Guitarist from Megadeth not including Dave Mustaine? ... mine has always been Chris Poland.. he kicked ass on Peace Sells.. especially on the song My Last Words.. the leads were awesome.. has anyone heard Chris's solo stuff or recommend it? i think one album is called Metalpolis or something like that... after Chris Poland it would definetly be Marty Friedman.. :worship:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Which was your favorite Lead Guitarist from Megadeth not including Dave Mustaine?

Marty Friedman, one of my favorite players, no question about it! :worship:
Aside for having great solos, he had a distinctive style and personality as a player which is very very rare to find!
His solo on Tornado Of Souls pretty much sums all of his genius, although I've yet to hear his bad solo...
What I absolutely adore about his playing is that he's not a speed freak as many of 80s players were, wanking up and down the fretboard.
His solos are incredibly technical and hard to play, but more in ways of rhythm and unorthodox melodies and phrasing...

Marty was a wanker when he was on Shrapnel Records label before Megadeth but I think when he joined Megadeth Dave showed him how to write songs and not play fast every second just for the sake of playing fast... he matured with Megadeth and played brilliantly on Rust in Peace... but I always liked Chris Polands playing better on Peace Sells album... but i love both there leads..
Can't really choose between Poland and Friedman. Although I really love what Poland has been doing since Megadeth. I tend to choose Poland but with an extreme small margin.
Friedman was probably their most technically proficient and wrote some incredibly adept solos (Symphony of Destruction's is at once easy and quite hard). Poland was cool (I also liked Damn the Machine, using the word "classic" for that one might be a bit strong though). I was sad when Drover left. He played all the classics well, and wrote some great songs. Plus, he did a fantastic job on backing vocals in a live setting.
Friedman his solos made a statement not just rambling madness. Rust in Peace and Countdown have some of the most tastefull metal guitar work out there.