Favorite Monitors?


Sound Engineer
Jul 13, 2014
Logan, UT
So I've had a few people ask me for recommendations on studio monitors, problem is I've only ever had one pair. I have a set of JBL LSR305's. They're great, but I may upgrade eventually if I feel I need to. What studio monitors does everyone recommend and why? Any to stay away from? Though I primarily record metal, I do record everything for the most part. Thanks!
I own the focal twins and like them alot. They're voiced a little mid-forward which makes it easy for me to zoom in on conflicts without sacrificing all low/high detail like with NS10's. To me they give me the detail I like while still being a pleasure to listen to. They have less bass extension than the opals or barefoots, but they aren't thin by any stretch (and frankly most rooms really shit the bed with significant content under 50hz).
Honestly though you have to go listen to really know. The Focals, Opals, Neumann's, and Barefoots all sound amazing but quite different from one another. I think in general most guys are into mid forward monitors (ns10, focal, ATC) or scooped (event, genelec).
I own the focal twins and like them alot. They're voiced a little mid-forward which makes it easy for me to zoom in on conflicts without sacrificing all low/high detail like with NS10's.

Yeah that's is why i like them.When i first heard them i could identify my mix and it just felt like the ns10's + as you described better highs and lows.
I really don't like the scooped brands, ofc you can learn your monitors but for me first time i fired up the ns10's i felt like coming home. Scooped monitors don't give me any of the information i want to hear when i mix. But to each his own i guess :)
For the record, I dislike Genelecs and think lumping Opals in the same category isn't an accurate characterization of their sound. I'd be inclined to call them balanced before 'scooped'. They are, in my experience, on the same wavelength as the Klein & Hummel O300s in regards to neutrality.
Monitor choice is so personal and subjective it's crazy. Some people can't mix without ns-10's. Some people hate them. I'm so used to the sound of Genelecs because that's what's at the studio I learned at. The only real way to find out what you like best is to listen to as many as possible. I couldn't afford genelecs when outfitting my own studio, so I listened to as many as I could in my price point and ended up getting Adams.
Alright thanks everyone. I'll look into all these and see what I think. I've always loved the JBL's so much I never thought of buying new ones, but after looking at some of these I just might have to haha