Favorite or most cherished souvenir from Prog Power XII

Tears Fear and Pain

New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2010
Whether it be a set list, guitar pick, a drum stick or just something you picked up from the merch tables, what was your favorite take home goodie?
A kickass DARKWATER hoodie that I bought from Lance's table - I live in friggin south florida but I could NOT pass it up lol
After all the awesome memories, I'd have to say all the photos with Vanden Plas. They were such great people and the photos make the memories that much clearer.
This year, it's pictures.

Priceless moments with friends and rare encounters with incredible musicians. I don't like to just jump in and take a random picture with someone I don't know at all, so each pic I have brings back some memory of the time with that person. Even the musicians with whom I only had a few minutes, they were all super class acts and are etched into my memory forever with photo reminders that bring back smiles galore!

Surprisingly, I just realized that I didn't get one single memento from the stage despite being so close to it all weekend. Huh... I was having more fun watching people clamor over picks, sticks, and taking pics of their setlists for the forum. I spend a lot of time in the photo pit during shows at home and I always give away the things that fall between the barriers. Later I realize, "doooood whhhyyyy did i give that awayyyyy???" but then it never fails, each show someone thanks me for handing them the setlist/pick/stick/whatever from 'the ____ show' months ago. They're so happy, so that's worth it ^_^

The memories this year are incredible, and I have pictures to prove it :cool:
I always give away the things that fall between the barriers. Later I realize, "doooood whhhyyyy did i give that awayyyyy???" but then it never fails, each show someone thanks me for handing them the setlist/pick/stick/whatever from 'the ____ show' months ago. They're so happy, so that's worth it ^_^

I got a VP pick from Stephan on Thursday, and I turned around and gave it to a guy behind me who'd been rockin' it the whole set. It would have just sat in my coin cup with the two other picks and it made *his* day, so all was good.

As long as I have photos, I don't really have a need for mementos, honestly. The only one I've been unwilling to let go is my PoS drumstick.
Well I decided to help out Camden & the rest of the SK crew only cause they couldn't come at the last minute. I thought I could at least get them some signed goodies so I got them my notebook cover signed by Therion and had Therion take a pic with it and I also go them a signed Forbidden promo pic.

For me, probably just being at the festival and meeting new people and having a good time meeting the bands and what not.
Just the memories of seeing the bands play, seeing friends I dont't see very often. getting auto's from FORBIDDEN & BRAVE and talking to Michelle & Scott Loose . She told me they have 3 new songs so far. EXCELLENT!!! Will post pics soon I hope
Well I decided to help out Camden & the rest of the SK crew only cause they couldn't come at the last minute. I thought I could at least get them some signed goodies so I got them my notebook cover signed by Therion and had Therion take a pic with it and I also go them a signed Forbidden promo pic.

For me, probably just being at the festival and meeting new people and having a good time meeting the bands and what not.

For me it was having a pic taken with Chity on the sidewalk on Friday while wearing one of my SK t-shirts!

Seriously - having my pic taken with the Sri Lankan Dio was way too much fun.