Favorite Orchid moments


Oct 18, 2004
Well I saw the other thread on MAYH and SL so why not do an orchid fav. moments. The ending part of Under the Weeping Moon has got to be one of their best ever (after the lyric "burn the winter landmarks...). Also The whole song Forset of October rules especially the quiet part "Gazing unto the stars..)
Yeah I love UTWM but my favourite part has to be the 1st clean guitar section of it that lasts for about 3 min , it is just so simple, dark and atmospheric. I love the creepy electric guitar sounds over it...
My favourite part is just that "burn the winter landmarks..." section. I just love Mike's fragile voice and the cold atmosphere of it with all reverbs ;)

Also I think almost every acoustic parts on the album are fantastic. I'm a sucker for folkish acoustic melodies hehe.

There's also an incredible solo on one of the songs, can't remember which one though...
My favorite part is the intro to The Apostle of Triumph. Everytime I listen to that song I restart it over and over at least 3 times to listen to the intro. I'm actually going to listen to it right now........
Yeah, Apostle has some truly great parts. A very overlooked song, I think. The "WOAHHHHH WOAHHHHHHH WOAHHHHHH WOAHHHHHHHH the only way to faaa-aaa--alll AHHH AHHH AHHH AHHH" part + the riff before and after (same riff) is up there with the best of Opeth.