Favorite Ozzy Guitarist.

Zakk and much less Fox were nothing compared to Jake in pinching or any other aspect of the guitar. Enough said:

Sorry, but I am afraid you are mistaken when it comes to that particular technique. As I stated. I prefer Jake, to begin with, but Oz Fox and Zakk Wylde (at least early in both of their careers) really showed me how to master pinch harmonics as a great technique when writing both riffs and solos. It certainly is not as important of a tool for me as it was/is for Oz and Zakk, but they could come up with some of the most unique sounds from that technique.

but they could come up with some of the most unique sounds from that technique.

Nothing unique about what they did with pinched harmonics... pretty standard imo what they did... Jake on the other hand was uniqueness all around including PH's... just watch that clip i posted though I'm sure you seen it before... nothing to compare because Zakk/Fox were not unique, only standard and reliable (wanted to use another word but can't remember what)...

Though I do have a ton of respect for Wylde regardless.
Nothing unique about what they did with pinched harmonics... pretty standard imo what they did... Jake on the other hand was uniqueness all around including PH's... just watch that clip i posted though I'm sure you seen it before... nothing to compare because Zakk/Fox were not unique, only standard and reliable (wanted to use another word but can't remember what)...


Ummmm..... I already said Jake was my favorite guitarist for Ozzy. I also agree that Jake also had a great use of the pinch harmonic technique as well. He used it quite a bit on the "Bark at the Moon song. I also think Zakk has REALLY fallen off the map as a quality guitarist..... and I will say that as well, but his first release with Ozzy... was it "No Rest ?" was pretty good and his live tone was one of the best I have ever heard PERIOD.
I also think Oz (Fox) and Zakk were very good at incorporating the pinch harmonic in their chord progressions. If you don't think they were, I understand completely, but it doesn't make me wrong. Everything is personal opinion. If I rattled off a name of any guitarist and said he is the best guitarist in the world, you can't prove me wrong. Where is the guage of who is good and bad ? Michael Romeo is one of the most talented technicians I have ever heard. He can play absolutely insanely challenging stuff that few other guitarists can, but I don't put him in my top ten guitarists simply because I am not crazy about his style. I have an enormous respecct for his mastery of his instrument, but I would rather listen to David Gilmour. Gilmour coudn't do a complexed string skip followed by two-hand technique if his life depended on it. However, he can and has constructed solos with his mind and heart that people will be listening to 50 years from now if there are still people here on earth. Does that make Gilmour a better guitarist than Romeo ? That depends who you ask.

I have an enormous respecct for his mastery of his instrument, but I would rather listen to David Gilmour. Gilmour coudn't do a complexed string skip followed by two-hand technique if his life depended on it. However, he can and has constructed solos with his mind and heart that people will be listening to 50 years from now if there are still people here on earth. Does that make Gilmour a better guitarist than Romeo ? That depends who you ask.


Sorry to intrude but I couldn't help the mention of David Gilmour. I love his playing so much, that every chance to praise him it's worthwhile.
Sorry to intrude but I couldn't help the mention of David Gilmour. I love his playing so much, that every chance to praise him it's worthwhile.

Maybe he should be the next guitarist for Ozzy. Ha ha ha..... While I consider Wolf Hoffmann my all-time fave, Gilmour is up there two. He has some solos that make tears well up in my eyes. As I said in the other post, it is easy to tell he doesn't come up with some chop or riff and "fit it in" to some solo. Gilmour has already written his solo for the song he is working on before he even picks up his guitar.
As far as Randy..... I love his innovation. As far as being the most influential Ozzy guitarist, Randy is definitely the guy. Randy was not a perfectionist though. He was more of an inventor/writer than a technician. He was sloppy at times, I am talking about on record as I was not fortunate enough (mostly old enough) to see him live.

Maybe he should be the next guitarist for Ozzy.

Do you hate the guy? :p

At this moment in time Ozzy needs any schmuck that can play and more or less perform the material of Rhandy, Jake and Zakk (which IMO it's not where Gus G belongs, let the guy with Firewind doing magic). My meaning it's that Ozzy it's absolutely irrelevant and thus whoever plays suits fine since no one should care for what his doing anymore :muahaha:

My favorite all-time David solo will be 'Dogs' in "Animals" which to me it's also my favorite album of PF, also worth mentioning a lot it's his work in 'Echoes' ("Meddle") and 'No More Turning Away' ("A Mometary Lapse Of Reason), the feeling and craftmanship of his guitar work is beyond words.
Does that make Gilmour a better guitarist than Romeo ?
Actually he is and Gilmour is probably my fave non metal guitarist. All technical and no feel does not make a great guitarist. I'll take "feel" any day...

Sorry to intrude but I couldn't help the mention of David Gilmour. I love his playing so much, that every chance to praise him it's worthwhile.
Ok, for now I won't chia pet you :worship:

Randy was not a perfectionist though. He was more of an inventor/writer than a technician. He was sloppy at times, I am talking about on record as I was not fortunate enough (mostly old enough) to see him live.
I would say Randy was a perfectionist and you could definetly hear the difference from Blizzard of Ozz to the Diary album and also live if you listen to the Randy/Ozzy Tribute album... I would also say Randy for that time was a technician and he was an all around perfect guitarist and would of been even better had he lived...

My favorite all-time David solo will be 'Dogs' in "Animals" which to me it's also my favorite album of PF, also worth mentioning a lot it's his work in 'Echoes' ("Meddle") and 'No More Turning Away' ("A Mometary Lapse Of Reason), the feeling and craftmanship of his guitar work is beyond words.
Echoes was a phenomenal guitar solo he did... my favorites I think are on "Time" and "Comfortably Numb" as well as the aformentioned "Echoes". :kickass:
My favorite all-time David solo will be 'Dogs' in "Animals" which to me it's also my favorite album of PF, also worth mentioning a lot it's his work in 'Echoes' ("Meddle") and 'No More Turning Away' ("A Mometary Lapse Of Reason), the feeling and craftmanship of his guitar work is beyond words.

I hate to name his most famous..... but it is definitely "Comfortably Numb" that is #1. That solo is what really got me interested in him.
#2 to me is probably the slide solo on "High Hopes," though it is hard to choose. "Dogs" is also a cool one, as is "Time." I also love his voice too. He just has an ability to take you someplace else as a guitarist and vocalist. He is an extremely underrated artist. The old man still sings good today.

I would say Randy was a perfectionist and you could definetly hear the difference from Blizzard of Ozz to the Diary album and also live if you listen to the Randy/Ozzy Tribute album... I would also say Randy for that time was a technician and he was an all around perfect guitarist and would of been even better had he lived...

Ha ha ha..... you and I will have to just agree to disagree on the Ozzy guitarist thread. I thought randy was a bit sloppy. As I said though..... he was a pioneer in something that really culminated into a sub-genre, namely neo-classical metal. Although Yngwie was more of a fan of Blackmoore.... I think Randy had to inspire him some.

I like Randy on the Blizzard album...I didnt care for the follow up album (which was done quickly from what Ive read)...I didnt like the Tribute/live album either.

I basically learned every song on guitar from the Blizzard album in my teens...Had an awesome tab book done by Wolf Marshall that made learning the album much easier.

Having said that I think my favorite album of ozzys would be The Ultimate Sin album...Jake E Lee's guitar work is excellent on that and his lead guitar solos have a lot of emotion...I didnt care for the "Bark At The Moon" record that Jake also played on...The album is good and all however the guitar playing and the songs didnt do much for me.

Im not a zakk wylde fan...I stopped listening to Ozzy when that guitarist showed up...I know lots of people like him however I find his lead guitar generic and emotionless...Not saying he sucks because I know people like his playing and I dont want to piss anyone off however as a guitar player he doesnt do much for me...I dislike his guitar playing.
I saw Ozzy live last night. I know he gets a lot of shit (some warranted, some unfair), but I must say he kicked serious ass. He sounded great (no bum notes) and Gus slayed on guitar. Very good set list too, though it was missing Over the Mountain and No More Tears.