Favorite Power Metal Choruses?

Sep 5, 2011
Post some of your favorite power metal choruses! I will start. Also, this is my first post here. You don't have to link to the songs but I would like it if you do -- you or me may want to hear some of them if we haven't already! Edit: sorry if this is memory intensive... it auto-embedded all of the songs.

Sing the Anthem of the World,
But will we ever learn
To control our hate and to forgive?
We must learn to find the way
To just live another day
And be free, like an Eagle in the sky.

-- Stratovarius - Anthem of the World

Into the sky, high above where the eagle flies
Journey to find our new home.
Beyond the stars, where a new life will wait for us!
Somewhere we all can belong.

-- Power Quest - Galaxies Unknown

Unbreak the bridge
Unite the earth
Everlasting sky
Forever free
Eternal soul
Your Majesty Gaia

-- Aquaria - Your Majesty Gaia

As the battle rages on and on
I face the things that put my faith to the test
When fallen angels won't leave me alone
Father, come and lay the demon to rest
When my sword has broken off in my hand
I see the dark futility of the flesh
When I'm about to fall, please help me stand
Father, come and lay the demon to rest

-- Theocracy - Laying the Demon to Rest

There's no more crying
And no more dying
Forever standing strong,
We will carry on
We live with pleasure,
The fear is gone,
In the Land of the Wintersun.

-- Insania Stockholm - The Land of the Wintersun [tribute to Finnish men, women and children who died in WWII]

I posted quite a few, so hopefully this isn't borderlining on copyright infringement. Feel free to post some of yours.

Oh, you had us at hello, Jack-O
The man, the myth, the legend
The Gregarious Raconteur
Oh, Babe Ruth to Joe DiMaggio,
The greatest Yank of all is the Gregarious Raconteur

~The Gregarious Raconteur - Theocracy (duh)

Look at the man you see (in the mirrors)
The things you can be (in the mirrors)
The glory of me revealed in the mirror's eye
The mirror never lies
The fire in my eyes (in the mirrors)
The vanity rise (in the mirrors)
The power of pride comes alive in the mirrors

~Mirror Of Souls - Theocracy ('nother duh)
Caught in the fury of the storm
(The darkness suffocates)
Body and soul weary and worn
(Another twist of fate)
Never been so afraid before
(The ending of this tale?)
Never should have opened the door
(From euphoria to hell)

I run away as fast as my feet will carry me
Back to the door leading into the night
Even the storm that almost claimed my life
was better than this
And so I throw open the door and see a man
(The figure of a man)
The stranger from the storm returns again
(To save me once again?)
I see understanding in his eyes
(He's seen this all before)
Maybe he can tell me what I saw behind that door

A chosen soul, under control from high above
Shines here below
The final test shall soon be passed
Heaven's pride dwells deep inside
But now will sprout its wings and fly
They see His face shine in your eyes
As the whole world sees
You take the bullet, and take your place
In the gallery of heroes

I am frozen inside, let me praise and love!
Though I want to know you,
I cannot force my heart to thaw.
The props built by me, they'll collapse with time,
And then it will be seen that
a homemade faith, it fails in front of God. -HB

When the Jesus metal explosion hits I will come to hear and see My
ways, My rights will become your way, your will from then on I can't be ashamed
of Your name, Jesus You're so good to me You calm the storm, now I belong
There's no dead ends in You Let Your name be the highest -HB
Too many good ones to name, but here are a few of my favorites.

It's the blind leading the blind,
Twisting our minds, won't be the ones that are left behind,
Through all lies I see our demise,
Waiting in lime till I'm blind leading the blind.
-Blind Leading the Blind by Axenstar


Come with me, and I'll show thee,
What lies beyond the veil of delirium, you'll see,
And as we sail towards the dale,
Let the ravings and delusions be blown away by gale,
... Beyond the delirium veil.
-Delirium Veil by Twilightning


I walk the earth,
Image of my world,
Come feel the noise,
It's through a voice unheard,
I walk the earth,
I've fallen far from grace,
Come feel the noise,
My shell's an empty space,
I walk the earth.
-Walk the Earth by Silent Force

I'm a huge Blind Guardian fan and I'd say my number one favorite is either from "Blood Tears", "Sacred Worlds", or "The New Order". After those three come "Wages of Sin" (ooobviously Theocracy) and I love the chorus to Harmony's "Maze of the Past", but idk if that's one of my all time favs...just one that popped into my mind :D
I'm a huge Blind Guardian fan and I'd say my number one favorite is either from "Blood Tears", "Sacred Worlds", or "The New Order". After those three come "Wages of Sin" (ooobviously Theocracy) and I love the chorus to Harmony's "Maze of the Past", but idk if that's one of my all time favs...just one that popped into my mind :D


Where have all the years gone
that's what I am asking now
What have I learnt so far
tell me Father Time - tell me now

Father Time - Stratovarius
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Hmmm well lets see.....Not just for lyrics, but for the music too......

Stratovarius - Eternity
Tad Morose - Lord on High
Primal Fears - Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove

Those are the first stuff that comes to mind for me.
Stratovarius, Power Quest, Aquaria, Insania and Theocracy? That is some massive winning going on right there, folks. I agree wholeheartedly and up the ante with ...

Oh, we feel what you feel
We trust and believe that we'll stand up and fight
We see what you see
In darkness you lend me the light

-- ReinXeed - The Light

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(Not really sure if this counts because they're also Melodic Death Metal)

Running away from another transition
After discovering new points of view.
Getting away with another sensation,
After discovering I'm so true.

Raintime ~ Another Transition
Wow, thanks for introducing me to ReinXeed! This sounds awesome! Just the kind of metal I love.

Wow, they're Christian, too!! This is awesome!
No love for one of the founding bands? ...Helloween! (Unless I overlooked it.) Anything off of either Keeper album: Twilight of the Gods, Halloween, Eagle Fly Free, I Want Out... They pretty much introduced me to the roots of the genre and I haven't heard much that beats those two albums for my tastes :)
There are so many. Just a few selected:

Epica - Never Enough

HB - Hanki Elämä

Narnia - Into this Game

Harmony - Rain
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Wow, thanks for introducing me to ReinXeed! This sounds awesome! Just the kind of metal I love.

Wow, they're Christian, too!! This is awesome!

No probs, man. I envy you getting to listen to ReinXeed for the first time. My favorites are the albums 'The Light' and the last one, '1912'.

No love for one of the founding bands? ...Helloween! (Unless I overlooked it.) Anything off of either Keeper album: Twilight of the Gods, Halloween, Eagle Fly Free, I Want Out... They pretty much introduced me to the roots of the genre and I haven't heard much that beats those two albums for my tastes :)

Of course, that goes without saying. ;) As a matter of fact, my favorite song of all time, all genres, is on Keeper II: Eagle Fly Free. The ultimate 'happy' power metal song.