favorite/recently read books

snow2fall said:
Hesse is brilliant. We read "Der Steppenwolf" in school, meanwhile almost all his works have found their way into my bookshelf - and into my mind... He's weird, but so is Kafka, and I like his work a lot too. :D
Lessing's "Nathan der Weise" was one of the best pieces of literature that we had to read in school. Goethe, Freud and E.T.A. Hoffmann would be the some of the most traumatizing memories of my German lessons. :erk:

what really impressed me from Hesse is Siddharta and Unterm Rad, he has a style of writing that is just touching... brilliant! I think Schiller's Willhelm Tell was the most boring thing I ever read in school :ill:
tolkien is ok. but sci-fi is not me thing really.

by the way, a huge bookstore in town is closing (dunno why) and they're giving everything like half-price (or even lower) while stock lasts. oh goodie... :hotjump:
Don Corleone said:
it did have a point: to show once again what sick creatures we are...the way we make fun of the different, the way we outcast them etc.

remember the scene where he is taunted by the girl and all his friends...the time he says "i felt naked"

and it also very vividly depicts the intellectual growth of a person...from retardedness to being a genius...the problems he gets into and how complex life gets as one grows.

yeah it has a nice theme and the message it tries to pass is an imp. one i believe but there are many better novels or stories that does it better, i am not sayin its a bad story but i dont think its excellent
Frodnat said:
Oh... Machiavelli? This guy was just sick. I prefer the "Antimachiavelli" instead :). And Voltaire... Hmmm... :ill:

At the moment I am reading a lot of Russian and Polish Science Fiction.

Strugatzki - Picknick am Wegesrand, Das Experiment (Die Stadt der Verdammten) = City of The Damned? I don´t know names of the english versions... I don´t think that they were translated into English.

Stanislaw Lem - Solaris etc...

Lem is excellent and most of his works are translated to turkish which is excellent. My favorite Lem novel is "Investigation", i dont know if its original title is different since i read it in turkish. Its about this young police inspector who has to solve the mystery of dead bodies that disappear and reappear in a diff. place. It was really a mind bending story about uncertainity thing and all. Also, "Return from the Stars" is a very good novel which tells how we outcast the different ones and the way society is evolving towards.
yeah i have to agree Hesse is great - i only ever read the fairtales of.. but i fucking loved it :Spin: there are some amazing stories in there - i strongly suggest to anyone to read these, good little short stories with a cup of tea or in the bath or on the toilet - whatever, just get em read!
I know it's been discussed some time ago but tell me what makes Paulo Coelho "one of the most popular writers in the world" and The Alchemist "sold over 35 million books worldwide"???

I read it halfway through yesterday and it's just fucking didactic, illogical, repetitive, contradictory, and cheesy like hell.

"At that moment, it seemed to him that time stood still, and the Soul of the World surged within him. When he looked into her dark eyes, and saw that her lips were poised between a laugh and silence, he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke - the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love. Something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes met, as had theirs here at the well. She smiled, and that was certainly an omen - the omen he had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life. The omen he had sought to find with his sheep and in his books, in the crystals and in the silence of the desert.

ffs - I'm gonna write something like this and sell it in 35 million copies worldwide and get fat rich with bad literature. :mad:

Until then I'm just looking for the omens.
My all time faves are Tutunamayanlar by Oguz Atay, Dune series by Frank Herbert, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Recently read fave is Kazanci Yokusu by Ferhan Sensoy.