Favorite solos that are not OVER THE TOP


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
I heard someone talking about "mountain solos" earlier.
Well, here are my favorites...

1. King Diamond - The Black Horesman
Final solo: Michael Denner
This solo is just loaded with emotion...and then end of it with two-guitars is pure bliss. You can hear some Brian May influence in there. It is my favorite.

2. Jason Becker - Rain
Simply breathtaking...Jason is a master of emotional music.

3. Marty Friedman - Bittersweet
The final distorted solo (main melodic theme) really captures the essence of Marty's guitar playing. Although my favorite part of the song is just after this solo when it is just the synth and drums...very powerful.

4. Dream Theater - Hell's Kitchen
JP's solo leading up to the bridge is a great example of holding back on blazing technique and putting out a very powerful solo. Although he shreds a bit at the end of it, it is a pretty simple run. Lines in the Sand is also a good example of this. Even though many hate it, I think its one of his best solos too.

5. Symphony X - Sonata
Michael Romeo has integrated his beautiful guitar sound with Mozart's music. This solo is full of emotion and wonderful vibrato and tone.

6. Symphony X - Candlelight Fantasia
Michael Romeo, the first guitar solo right after the soft vocals have finished. Again, full of excellent vibrato and tone variations. A very beautiful solo.

That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there are a lot that I am missing!
Rush - The Fountain Of Lamneth - No One At The Bridge
Alex Lifeson makes the most magically beautiful guitar solo in the world happen here.

Marillion - Kayleigh
Very lush and very beautiful.

Symphony X - Sonata
Yeah this indeed lovely and for the record; it's Beethoven.:p
Just thought I'd straighten that out.

Camel - Lady Fantasy
That slow solo is just so fucking full of melody as is all of the Mirage album.

Symphony X - The Odyssey - Part 4: Circe(Daughter Of The Sun)
This is a timeless Romeo solo that really moves me each time I hear it.

Tool- Eulogy

Beautiful solo with the grand total of 5 different notes used. Adam Jones really shows off his creativity in this one...
Dado, did you really say GARY MOORE ???!!!
:) "Still got the Blues For You" just takes me away! Ever hear the tune he did with Ozzy?? :eek:
I'll also mention my admiration for Leslie West's solos, "Nantucket Sleighride" for example.
Originally posted by Pharoah
Dado, did you really say GARY MOORE ???!!!
:) "Still got the Blues For You" just takes me away! Ever hear the tune he did with Ozzy?? :eek:
I'll also mention my admiration for Leslie West's solos, "Nantucket Sleighride" for example.
Gary has always been one of my favorites. The emotion he puts in his playing is often unmatched (especially on Parisiene Walkaways live!).
A tune with Ozzy? The one on After The War, you mean? Yeah, I like it - "Led Clones" I think it's called.