favortie opening parts in songs


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
what are your favorite opening parts in songs, things that just come out and grab you.

mine are

Cephalic Carnage - Lucid Interval
Dissection - In the cold winds of no where
Emperor - Sworn, I am the black wizards
Grimfist - world of wrath
Immortal - The darkness that imbraces me
Naglfar - this is hell, Devoured by Naglfar
Arghoslent - Flogging The Cargo, Hereditary Taint, Galloping Through The Battle Ruins, Archaic Invincibility...oh hell...ANYTHING.
Sepultura - Beneath the Remains
Carcass - Buried Dreams
Suffocation - Infecting the Crypts
Nocturnus - Lake of Fire
Nocturnus - Artic Crypt
Miasma - Schizophrenia?
Immolation - Chirst's Cage

Plus many more...
Dissection - A Land Forlorn
Pelican - Drought
Teen Cthulhu - Fucking With Death
Disavowed - Generative Patterns
Squash Bowels - Life & Death
Mors Principium Est - Last Apprentice
Forest Of Impaled - Hand Of Vengeance, Forward The Spears
Agoraphobic Nosebleed - The Eleventh Day Of Sodom: Passing Cunts And Blunts At Relapse
Cirith Gorgor - Winter Embraces Lands Beyond
Samael - Knowledge Of The Ancient Kingdom

More to come.
Under a Stone said:
Immolation - Chirst's Cage
Yes :rock: also Immolation - Higher Coward

Decaptiated - Sphere of Madness
Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls
Misery Index - Angst Isst Die Seele
Vader - Wings
Suffocation - Liege of Inveracity
Absu - A Shield With An Iron Face
Aeternus - Midnatt Storm, Denial Of Salvation, There's No Wine Like The Bloods Crimson, When The Crows Shadow Falls, The Summoning Of Shadows, Warrior Of The Crescent Moon

Arcane Sun - Your Name
Darkane - Rusted Angel
Death - Bite The Pain, Voice Of The Soul
Ulver - Soelen Gaaer Bag Aase Need
Hmmmm. So many...

Bathory - Blood on Ice
Nokturnal Mortum - Ancient Nation
Nokturnal Mortum - The Forgotten Ages of Victories
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
Graveworm - Abandoned by Heaven
Satyricon - Immortality Passion
Satyricon - Mother North
There are many. I'll name quite a few 'cause I'm bored:
Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Suffocation - Depths of Depravity
Therion - Cthulhu
Death - Suicide Machine
Necrophobic - Awakening...
Necrophobic - Before the Dawn
Necrophobic - Unholy Prophecies
Monstrosity - The Angel's Venom
Graveland - Blood of Christians on my Sword
Moonblood - In A Bloody Night of Fullmoon
Moonblood - My Evil Soul
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
Moonblood - I Am All
Wolfnacht - Ein Damonischer Winter Verhullt den Schattenturm
The Shadow Order - Raise the Banners
The Shadow Order - Blood and Honour
The Chasm - Revenge Rises - Drowned in the Mournful Blood
The Chasm - No Mercy (Our Time Is Near)
Bethlehem - Aphel - die schwarze schlange
Arghoslent - The Purging Fires of War
Arghoslent - Hereditary Taint
Mutiilation - Magical Shadows of a Tragic Past
Countess - De Wilde Jacht
Demilich - The Sixteenth Six-Tooth Son Of Fourteen Four Regional Dimensions (Still Unnamed)
Demilich - Erecshyrinol
Demilich - Raped Embalmed Beauty Sleep
Demilich - When the Sun Drank the Weight of Water
Megiddo - Annihilation Antichrist
Megiddo - The Oath
Destroyer 666 - I Am The Wargod
Miasma - Baphomet
Kaoteon - Decrepitude
Burzum - Jesus Tod
Sepultura - Bestial Devastation
Sepultura - Antichrist
Sepultura - Necromancer
Sepultura - Warriors of Death
Here's more of my favorites

The Chasm - Dark Cloud
The Chasm - I am The Hateful Raven
Immolation - Furthest from the Truth
Immolation - Wolf Among the Flock
Immolation - Of Martys and Men
Carcass - Incannated Solvent Abuse
Carcass - Pedigree Bucthery
Sepultura - Desperate Cry
Sepultura - Dead Embryonic Cells
Sepultura - Stronger than Hate
Suffocation - Seeds of Suffering
Fear Factory - Zero Signal
Fear Factory - FlashPoint
Fear Factory - Crash Test
Absu - Feis Mor Tir Na N'og
Absu - The Sun of Tiphareth
Absu - She Cries the Quiet Lake
Absu - Four Crossed Wands
Aryan Blood - Ortus Hominus Optimi Maximi
Beherit - Salomon's Gate
Blut Aus Nord - Day of Revenge (The Impure Blood of Theirs)
Blut Aus Nord - Procession Of The Dead Clowns
Blut Aus Nord - Our Blessed Frozen Cells
Blut Aus Nord - The Son Of Hoarfrost
Burzum - Dunkelheit
Burzum - Jesus' Tod
Darkthrone - In the Shadow of the Horns
Darkthrone - Hans Siste vinter
Darkthrone - En as I Dype Skogen
Darkthrone - Skald Av Satans Sol
Darkthrone - Unholy Black Metal
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Deathspell Omega - The Suicide Curse
Deathspell Omega - The Victory Of Impurity
Deathspell Omega - Lethal Baptism
Deathspell Omega - Insanity Supreme
Deathspell Omega - Carnal Malefactor
Dismember - Pieces
Dissection - The Somberlain
Demigod - As I Behold, I Despise
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Demilich - Inherited Bowel Levitation-Reduced Without Any Effort
Demilich - Raped Embalmed Beauty Sleep
Gontyna Kry - Osamotnienie
Gorgoroth - Crushing the Scepter
Grand Belial's Key - Pimps of Gennesaret
Graveland - The Night of Fullmoon
Graveland - Born Of War
Hellhammer - Messiah
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Judas Iscariot - Benevolent whore Dethroned for Eternity
Kristallnacht - Reigning With Honour & Tyranny
Massacra - Researchers Of Torturers
Melechesh - Of Mercury and Mercury
Moonblood - Embraced By Lycanthropy
Moonblood - I Am All
Mutiilation - Ravens Of My Funeral
Mutiilation - Beyond The Decay Of Time And Flies
Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg
Nargaroth - Seven tears are flowing to the river
Necrophobic - Unholy Prophecies
Necrophobic - Where Sinners Burn
Necrophagist - Mutilate The Stillborn
Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overtune
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Nokturnal Mortum - Night Before the Fight
Nokturnal Mortum - The Call of Aryan Spirit
Nokturnal Mortum - The 13th Asbath Celebration
Sacramentum - Blood Shall be Spilled
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
The Chasm - Deathcult Arrival
The Chasm - Possessed By Past Tragedies
Unanimated - Life Demise
Unanimated - Mireille
Unanimated - Eye of the Greyhound
Vlad Tepes - Diabolical Reaps
Vlad Tepes - Under the Carpathian Yoke
Von - Satanic Blood

That didn't cure boredom. Could list more..
Ooooooh, I know some fucking obvious ones here.

Anthrax - Deathrider (FUCKING METAL!)
Exodus - A Lesson In Violence (Holy Shit!)
Exodus - Seeds Of Hate (DOUBLE BASS!)
Exodus - Shroud Of Urine (Groovy bass n drum solo thing)

Exodus Rule!

Death - Scavenger OF Human Sorrow (Like SoP or not, gotta admit this has a badass intro)
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Dream Theater - 6:00
Maniac Butcher - First Song Off Final Onslaught, where the actual guitar starts, not the long intro thing, such a cool riff
Crystal Age - Star destroyer (....fuck...it's just insane....)
Yes, good idea for a thread.

Bolt Thrower - No Guts, No Glory
Most intros to Bolt Thower songs are very addictive.

Dying Fetus - One Shot, One Kill

Entombed - Chief Rebel Angel
Starts off the song with acoustic guitar then death n roll. :grins:

God Forbid - Reject The Sickness

Incantation - Sempiternal Pandemonium

Kreator - Await

Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry

Obituary - Slowly We Rot
I bet most people think of this song as soon as they think Obituary. I dont think the rest of the song is as impressive as the intro though.

Sepultura - Inner Self
My favourite intro ever.

Slayer - Criminally Insane