favouirite guitars

I love my LTD EC-400, I want to get the black 1000 with the archtop body, white trim and the other fanciness.
I'm also a fan of the Jackson Kelly, I know a dude who's selling one with a sick black & red paint job... I want it so much.
Well i dont have alot of guitars...but i like Ibanez alot...and im a new listener to Amon Amarth...and i fucking like it :kickass:
I own a Dean custom 450 with Emg Hz pu's..it's fucking beautiful and plays pretty well too!! The razorbacks are the hottest guitars around atm (i want one badly...the razorback V)!!!!
Everyone should also check out the Ibanez Rgt...that guitar is just rude!!!




genaatloos said:
hmm no, sorry.. i dont like that sort of guitars.. a little bit too much for me
nah me neither. well.. but if u got enough money its always fun to have :)
I like the jackson warrior/V-thingy/whatsitsname(bit V-like named after the died *i think* Black Sabbath guitar player)

damn my brain is screwed up after last night.. All i can remember is Vodka, Whisky, White wine, lots of beer... wow... time for me to get a nap..
Ibanez SZ320. Awesome sound, awesome looks, awesome guitar. Easily the best guitar you can buy under $500 US.

I must say, though, I was initially attracted to it because it has my initials in the model name :lol:

And when I jammed on it, I swear it felt like it was made for me!