I quite like BC Rich axes, they may not be awesome quality compared to other guitars but they often don't cost anywhere near as much either and they look/sound the part from most Metal 
In my band (supported Epica & Xandria this year in London w00t
) I play a Warwick Vampyre SN 4-string and have just got a BC Rich Zombie Special Edition/SE 4-string as a 'spare' guitar. I have an Ibanez acoustic to play at home along with an oooooold Rockwood & cheap BC Rich Warlock gathering dust 
I wouldn't usually show off on my first post but the Zombie is a bit of a sweet colour...trans purple...

In my band (supported Epica & Xandria this year in London w00t

I wouldn't usually show off on my first post but the Zombie is a bit of a sweet colour...trans purple...