Favourite food/drinks


Nov 6, 2002
I have a feeling this is going to be a large thread. I like eating in general and there's few foods I dislike. Foods I like are:

sushi (raw and the rolled kind)
oat metal
tuna sandwich
manju (some kind of dumpling)
fig bars
God I hate threads like this because I can never think of everything on the spot.

Murai what's miso and persimmon? I'm intrigued.
i think miso is japanese soup and persimmon is a fruit

personally my favorites are

Food: Chinese, Japanese Habachi, Pizza, Mongolian, anything Eye-Talian (pasta, calamari, etc.) Mexican (only the spiciest) good BBQ food (Ribs, Brisket, Chicken, anything smokey) Fried Chicken, Sandwiches (especially fat sandwiches, but only someone from New Jersey would know what I'm talking about) I'm big on junk food and a big chocolate fan.

Drinks: I drink alot of water, not a big soda drinker. coffee which i like just like my metal, black :Smokedev:. Beer; Guiness, Killian's, Newcastle Brown Ale, Heiniken.
Liqour/ liqueur: Jameson's Irish Whiksey, Patron Tequila, Southern Comfort, Jagermeister, Celtic Crossing, Schnapps, Triple sec.
food: chili con carne, burritos, fried rice & chinese food, pizza, pastas, moambe, boulettes liègeoises
drinks: pepsi, mountain dew, apple flavored water, latte macchiato, tea
alcoholic drinks: Ricard, mead, Rochefort 8

Taliesin: you forgot tea !
Food:Seafood, Jumbalaya, Japanese and Chinese food, Anything from the Pacific Island(Cuban food is the best), Chicago style Pizza, Spaghetti.

Drinks:Herbal and Earl Grey tea, Snapple, Coke, Sprite, any type of fruit drink really. Elijah Craig whiskey.
Food:Japanese food (teppanyaki rules), tacos, lobster, steak, fettucine alfredo, burritos, fries, crepes, mango stuff, a lot more other stuff.

Drinks:Root beer, coffee, tea, any kind of mango drink, those sparkling cooler things.
God I hate threads like this because I can never think of everything on the spot.

Murai what's miso and persimmon? I'm intrigued.

Sequirenegatus got it right. Miso is this Japanese soup made out of paste from beans. Persimmon is a red, sweet fruit and it looks like a tomato. You can find it in some grocery stores.

Some more food/drinks I like:

pizza (I prefer the real pizza than the fast food ones)
pizza bread (McCain used to have to wrap the filling in bread)
home made pizza (bread slice + cheese + vegetables + tomatoe sauce)
sake (Japanese rice wine)
patties (chicken/beef)
hamburgers (home made)
donuts (most types)
cookies (machadamian or chocolate)
apple pie
danish pastries
Dark_Silence, I like fried rice with vegetables too.

Triton, I'm guessing crepes pretty much taste like pancakes right?
Sequirenegatus got it right.

thats because i have some serious food skills ;) I aspire to be a chef, or a dictator. Whichever works out best

I've never seen the point in sake. It tastes quite horrid and doesn't really get the job done for me. I've drank ALOT of sake very quickly and it just barely got me buzzed.
Dark_Silence, I like fried rice with vegetables too.

Add shrimps to that and its the best food ever!

I'm guessing crepes pretty much taste like pancakes right?
crêpes is actually pancakes in French. But usually when we make pankakes in Belgium or France, they are thinner than the ones i had while i was in the USA.
thats because i have some serious food skills ;) I aspire to be a chef, or a dictator. Whichever works out best

I've never seen the point in sake. It tastes quite horrid and doesn't really get the job done for me. I've drank ALOT of sake very quickly and it just barely got me buzzed.

Maybe you can drink it with no buzz because you're strong with alchol.

Dark_Silence said:
Originally Posted by MURAI
Dark_Silence, I like fried rice with vegetables too.

Add shrimps to that and its the best food ever!


I'm guessing crepes pretty much taste like pancakes right?
crêpes is actually pancakes in French. But usually when we make pankakes in Belgium or France, they are thinner than the ones i had while i was in the USA.

Yeah fried rice is good with shrimp. Or some other meats like balogne, bacon or beef for example. You can flavour the rice lightly with soy sauce and its appropriate.

Oh so the word crepes comes from French. Don't they have crepes with blueberry fillings? That's got to be pretty good.
Crepes are better than pancakes (by pancakes I mean the ones we have for breakfast). On pancakes, you'll just put maple syrup, but on crepes, you can put stuff like ice cream, or hot stuff like meat. My cousin told me that when she went to France they put a lot of Nutella in their crepes since the people there are really fond of it. I like smoked salmon crepes, but most of the time I'll get ice cream, Nutella, and various other sugar fillings. The fruit ones are pretty good too.
Don't they have crepes with blueberry fillings? That's got to be pretty good.
that can be, but as i dont like blueberry, i never paid attention in restaurants. And I dont eat a lot of pancakes and crêpes.

recently, i tried some crêpes with peanutbutter. It was really good!
some of My favorite foods: Pasta, Pizza, most Mexican, chiken, roast Beef, Tangerines, sweets, Orange chicken,Potato Pie, Bacon, vanilla (most anything that has nilla in it :p )

To drink, Coffie, Juice Beer Vodka and Kaluha

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