Favourite Lyrics

Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
So, I make a few of these threads, they are a good way to waste time.

Lyrically, Opeth, Theatre of Tragedy and Type O Negative have been big favourites of mine along with Draconian. The last honestly have the most poetic and introspective lyrics I have ever heard, absolutely outstanding on every level, any song of theres is guaranteed lyrical brilliance.

Draconian - The Cry of Silence

Filled with sorrow...
Bleak inner self touched by pride,
devoured by solitude, still wrapped in time.
I'm flowing with pain!

Holding myself back in suspicion...
and lingering in the dust...
the dust of my abandoned remains.
Killed with the dagger of life...!

Such an exquisite pride in my suffering...
alone, all alone with the emotional
streams of my soul...
So real, so pure... yet I'm left aside
entangled in fear... without hope.

I am truly left alone,
but somehow... just somehow
it feels like my loneliness is a victory
over the self-delusion of joy... and happiness.

My heart beats faster,
the anguish becomes clearer
and my misanthropic view gets stronger.
Living in the shadows...
so proud of being the one,
but desperate...
so desperate for a helping hand.
Do I really want to live this life?

I have a thousand reasons to die,
and many millions of tears to cry... in silence.
The human plague has emptied my life,
and I curse the day I was born... to this world!

Still, no-one else I ever want to be...
and no-one else I intend to be...
'cause no-one else I was meant to be!

I need, I want, I long for my retribution...
I need, I want, I yearn for my retribution...
I want my retribution... I want it now!

Unity; a gathering of open wounds,
of dark... of dark clean spirits...
what a dream... what a dream so distant!
Why should I... why should I be alone
when I love... when I love my brotherhood?
Shall I die... shall I die to be free
when I cry... when I cry in silence...
so please let me die in silence...
oh my god, let me die in silence!
Novembers Doom-Rain

Becoming one with madness, a chaos to embrace
Struggling for my sanity, clear skies turning gray
My demons stand before me, and taunt my every thought
The only way to cleanse my soul, is drown my dirt with rain

Water now engulfs me, it burns my sins away
Enemy preys upon my flesh as darkness burns the sky
Surface drifting further, taken from my sight
The only way to cleanse my soul, is drown my dirt with rain

No one to save me, a promise to be made
For heartsick memories, below the murky wake

In shallow water, I will drown unfeigned
My death knell rings below the flood
To wash away my sins of yesterday
And give me the chance to murder your name again

Becoming one with madness, a chaos to embrace
Struggling for my sanity, clear skies turning gray
My demons stand before me, and taunt my every thought
The only way to cleanse my soul, is drown my dirt with rain

In shallow water, I will drown unfeigned
My death knell rings below the flood
To wash away my sins of yesterday
And give me the chance to murder your name again

...I've just been fond of this song ever since I got the cd...
Deathspell Omega - III

The stillness of Contemplation is allowed in billions of woeful cries,
So astonishingly simultaneous and in unison,
Each and every second,
They defuse each other in such a perfect manner,
Equaling the most inscrutable of all
Doctrine of Mystical Substitution, Mystical Body, Sanctorum Communionem,
Celebrate the Sin of one reflecting, tectonic forces alike, upon the multitude

The fruit that is forbidden
Holds the greatest potential for providing infinite knowledge
Spiritual Incest and the defilement of the temple of the Holy Spirit
Ritualized and Immanent...
The pursuit of perversity, is it not but a mask
On the search for meaning and knowledge?
The purest of all Holocausts shall be perpetrated
By a loving hand, never knowing if it provided felicity
Or the vilest of everlasting torments
... No man can see Me and live!

“Et proiectus est draco ille magnus serpens antiquus qui vocatur Diabolus et Satanas qui
Seducit universum orbem proiectus est in terram et angeli eius cum illo missi sunt”

May Repentance be nothing more than a mask of algolagnia?

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

And the victim, blind to the radiating Light of Truth, stuttering, repeats
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani,
Lamma Sabacthani...

(Consummatum est

“Nous n'avons pas d'autre moyen que la douleur
Pour sentir notre proper existence spirituelle et divine;
Nous n'en avons pas d'autre pour la fair sentire à nos semblables”

“And we have the prophetic word made more sure
You will do well to pay attention to this as a lamp shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”
- 2 Peter 1:19)
Down - Bury Me In Smoke

When does a holding keep me from myself...
No chance was given to find myself today...
My time of aging... wonder when I'll die...
But When My Time Will Come I Know The Reason WHYYYY!!!
I have an escape, alone it keeps me safe and in my home
I have a reason, to keep me satisfied until I'm gone
Don't regret the rules I broke
When I die bury me in smoke
Under the world I wait for my fate
My bodies lying benesth my blissful state
My time of aging wonder when Ill die
But when my time will come, I know the reason why
I have an escape, alone it keeps me safe and in my home
I have a reason, to keep me satisfied until I'm gone
Don't regret the rules I broke
When I die bury me in smoke
Temnozor' - When the Lazure Skies Tear the Hearts Apart

Ночь дальним всполохом
В латы окована
Полем, погостами
Песней доносится
Неприкаянный голос земли.

Где небес лазурь разрывает сердца
И свинцовым льдом остаётся в глазах,
Утро звёздную пыль выжигает дотла,
Я все песни рассвета пустил по ветрам.

Даль заколдована
Леса изломами,
Чёрными елями,
Мёртвыми реками -
Русь здесь глядит на меня.

Где небес лазурь разрывает сердца
И свинцовым льдом остаётся в глазах,
Утро звёздную пыль выжигает дотла,
Слышишь ли ты, это моя земля.

Край очарованный,
Сердца ли озером,
Кровью ли ворога,
Песни ли брагою
Край мой, скажи,
Напоить мне тебя?

Где небес лазурь разрывает сердца
И свинцовым льдом остаётся в глазах,
Утро звёздную пыль выжигает дотла,
Там, где Русь в моё сердце... смотрит всегда.

along with Draconian. The last honestly have the most poetic and introspective lyrics I have ever heard, absolutely outstanding on every level, any song of theres is guaranteed lyrical brilliance.


Sorry, but those lyrics remind me of 'poetry' written by a 14 year old emo shortly before throwing him/herself under a train. Really really bad. And what's with all the exclamation marks? "I'm flowing with pain!" "Killed with the dagger of life...!" "and I curse the day I was born... to this world!" "what a dream... what a dream so distant!" :loco:
Draconian - The Cry of Silence
Such an exquisite pride in my suffering...
alone, all alone with the emotional
streams of my soul...
So real, so pure... yet I'm left aside
entangled in fear... without hope.

I am truly left alone,
but somehow... just somehow
it feels like my loneliness is a victory
over the self-delusion of joy... and happiness.
:lol: (makes note to avoid Draconian in the future)

You Suffer - Napalm Death

you suffer, but why???
:kickass: Lots of good ones on that album:

Multinational corporations
Genocide of the starving nations

May I offer The Exploited:

There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
they don't really bother about the radiation leak


They keep their secrets undercover
the rich don't bother about those that suffer
this ain't the land of milk and honey
cause all they want is money money money


Nuclear bombs are fuck all new
you'd better start running when they drop on you
run into a shelter, play hide and seek
cause when you die your body reeks



The "whether man" says that the outlook's not great
A few outbreaks of murder with some isolated rape
I ask my doctor his advice, this is what he says,
"Get yourself some cancer boy, before you die of aids."

And Impaled Nazarene:

Righteous flesh, turns me on
Desecration, of bastard's mom
I will turn your holy womb
Into disgusting, unholy tomb
I was homosexual partner of Jesus Christ


I fuck your girlfriends yet you worship me
I am a ruthless bastard, a total s.o.b.
I have broken up lots of families
It doesn't matter, I have no conscience
Only thing that counts is to conquer new nest
I have been successful on four continents


You whore, you treat men like dogs
In your sickened mind
You think you are a queen of one kind

You are the perfect example
of me-me generation
Fuck the V.D's they are cured by pills
No responsibility
You do as you wish
I laugh when you will die of A.I.D.S.

Then you get yourself raped
Tell it to the world
On all possible forums
I read all this shit
With total dismay
How can you be so retarted

Keep on cutting yourself
Your pitiful attemps
To gain some attention for you
You are pathetic whore
Totally worthless
Next time cut the right way


I am going to summarize
This album's message for you
I hope Lord Satanas
gives you all ass cancer

Hate despise arrogance
Three rewarding factors
Bashing in your heads
Makes life fucking perfect
Hate despise arrogance
Three rewarding factors
Craving for more blood
We will live forever

deeds of flesh!!!

Impulses encase my thoughts
Loss of reasoning ignored
Mutilating, my fetish needs fulfilled
Sickening horrific visions explored

Persistence to see blood spilled
Pools of my horrendous deeds
Disfiguring my perfect specimen
Creating my crown of souls

The impulse to destroy flowing violently
Resurgent, this sickness swallows me
Consuming, engulfing are these needs
Lost awareness of my humanity

Abnormal inhumane sick fantasies
The desires build inside of me
Lashing out at the weak
Fulfilling the world I wish to see

I'm the monster; commanding loathsome deeds
Compelled to create atrocities

I'm the monster; I decide how you die
Subservient, you will fear me
Servant, your soul is now mine

Bathing in my sub consciousness
My own personal mortuary
A writhing sea of dead souls
The emptiness of humanity

The impulse to destroy flowing violently
Resurgent, this sickness swallows me
Consuming, engulfing are these needs
Lost awareness of my humanity

Impulses encase my thoughts
Loss of reasoning ignored
Persistence to see their blood spilled
Sickening horrific visions explored

it's even better with the awesome vocals
I don't know if they are my favorite, but some lyrics I've started to like recently are kamelots.

Nothing ever dies - kamelot

Here we are
Under the same old sun
All alone yet somehow bound and unified
Dust to dust...
Ashes to ashes won't take long
We search for a harbour
Somewhere to belong

They say that faith is all you need
To stay forever young
What you've sown is what you reap
Our sins can't be undone

There is a god in each society
So right is wrong where wrong is right
No one could be sure
Still we are certain
That what we know is truth
The only truth
We're building our temples taller

They say that faith is all you need
To stay forever young
What you've sown is what you reap
Our sins can't be undone

How can we trust them once again
They used to tell us lies
Their voices will sustain
Cause nothing ever dies

Love is the only truth
Pure as the well of youth
Until it breaks your heart
You took me higher
Than the mountains I have climbed
You waited all your life for me
You left me all alone behind
But we'll meet again
We will meet again

Sorry, but those lyrics remind me of 'poetry' written by a 14 year old emo shortly before throwing him/herself under a train. Really really bad. And what's with all the exclamation marks? "I'm flowing with pain!" "Killed with the dagger of life...!" "and I curse the day I was born... to this world!" "what a dream... what a dream so distant!" :loco:

The exclamation marks are usually the male death growls, Draconian do trade-off vocals.

Here is a good example of that.

Oh angel o’ my winter;
grieveth for the pain o’ sadness.
A gothic embrace restores my love
God took away...
Ye romance o’ forgotten times...
in eras without the sun.
An ocean o’ tears I see...
A nightfall o’ dreams caresses me.

Thou wert, thou art, thou shalt fore’er be...
Ye nightshade o’ thy sorrow,
stretching out in twilights beauty.
In love with ye thousands o’ nights...
but weeping in silence... in ebony... for melancholy… forever!

Jesus Christ walks the Earth…
A pitiful shade of God…
A cruel conspiracy for the sake of slavery,
and He drags ‘em down to the plague of humanity.

I’ve killed my holiness…
killed my emptiness!
I’m fallen from God…
fallen from guilt!

I’ve abandoned the light,
the light that blinded so long!
Free from submission,
but still under His spell.
We’re in pain… pain… pain!
Sorrow turns to anguish…
and I scream with hate at the tyrant above!

Gothic moon… ablazeth the eventide so sonorous,
ye solemn of a lovelorn gard’n o’ crimson souls.
All true beauty is sad...
but lost within the clenched hands of God.

I mourn that the night passes us by…
Let there be an eternal night… eternal night!

Lucifer and Astaroth are done by the male vocalist in a mix of death growls and spoken poems and Deliah is done in operatic female sopranos.
I don't often pay attention but Opeth / Napalm Death / Radiohead / Wormed lyrics are some that I have found interesting.
I wouldn't avoid Draconian merely because you don't like the lyrics of one song, though the band can be quite dramatic at times. There is usually a romantic or tragic nature about the poems and if you don't like things that are gothic you probably wont like the lyrics.

However, a different example would be the song,

Cthulhu Rising

Which was inspired by Abdul Alhazred's prophecies, The Necronomicon or Al Azif

His life's still breathing, dead but dreaming...
and dark shines the stars out of time so lost.
The ocean roars as the sky turns black,
as their eyes are gleamings, gleaming in the darkness.
The scorn of distorted faces enraptures the world,
spiteful is the fire that burn in their souls.

The Last Amorphous Blight of Nethermost Confusion, devour mortality!
The Gate of the Silver Key knows the Outer Gods... from Yith ascended!
The Watcher, The Keeper... Yog Sothoth!

"The Old One's Were, The Old One's Are,
and The Old One's Shall Be Again!
So It Is Written, So It Shall Be Done!"

The chaos is coming, the haunter of universe,
and the blind creator bless the dragon who sleeps.
Cthulhu awakens like a storm from beyond
as the crimson opens, howling from a distant space.
A string of light from his house in R'lyeh... Behold!
Hear the thunder roar as he enters the world.
His world...

Hear Them whisper in Carcosa and Irem... in Kadath unknown to man.
Nyarlathotep, Hastur... Tales of the Hyades sing. In every shade they wait!

"From the dark stars They came and descended to primal Earth,
and They shall rule where They once ruled. They Shall return...!"

They clence the blood of divinity
in the flames of evermore.
In power They crown eternity
in the lands of darkness lore.

Cthulhu Rising
Cthulhu Rising
He's coming!

Mighty Azathoth - the blind can see...
R'lyeh arisen - Eternal dominion.

The gate is open, the world is burning,
and lost are the seals of the elder gods.
Unlocked is the door of the silver key...
out comes the powers of true monarchy.
The Old Ones rises their old dynasty,
as the flames devour foolish humanity!
They die forever!

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even Death may die."
Daylight Dies - A Life Less Lived

White stained red
Of vacant eyes
The hallow dreams
Of a barren life
Saline solutions
Yield no resolutions

Sleepwalk through
This pain induced
Coma of wakefulness
My lungs draw air
But in this body
There is no life

Pale washed red
Of crimson dreams
A lifeless glare
At a loveless world
Sanguine solutions
To hope's dissolution

Tomorrow's turmoil tonight
Carbon mirrors of my yesterdays

Sleepwalk through
This life induced
Coma of wakefulness
My lungs drew air
Now in this body
There is no pain
Deathchain - Napalm Satan

This song's pretty bad ass..it was written entirely with lines from their other songs, unless that was actually Deathrash Legions but...regardless, I love Deathchain lyrics. I was torn between this and Rabid Vultures but in the end Napalm Satan prevailed \m/

Take cover as the alarms starts to roar
Crawl beneath napalm threatening sphere
See the fear in their eyes
Hellbombers attack from the sky
Bombs exploding bursting flames
Armageddon reigns

Warheads - napalms to the core
God's children wish they've never been born

Like wolf among the sheeps
He guards you while you sleep
Walk amongst the living
Satan himself in disguise

Napalm rains - Satan reigns

Horror infects their minds
As they confront burning genocide
Boiling flesh and blistering skin
Laugh of the fiery king

All damned to crematory
Sacrificed in purgatory
Napalms satan 666

Unholy war against god's creations
Mass murder christianity obliteration
Human prey gathered for the slaughter
Mankind suffers left in torture

Horror infects chaotic minds
As they confront burning genocide
Sentenced to burn of their sins
Laugh of the fiery king
Interpol's lyrics.

"Pioneer To The Falls"

Show me the dirt pile
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
Vanish with no guile
And I will not pay
But the soul can wait
The soul can wait

It's still pretty
What with all these weeks
We¢?Tll be fine
We¢?Tll be fine
But if it¢?Ts still pretty
What with all these weeks
Will we find love
And supervise

Show me the dirt pile
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
And you vanish with no guile
And I will not pay
But the soul can wait
I felt you so much today

Oh no, you try
You fly straight into my heart
You fly straight into my heart
Girl, I know you try
You fly straight into my heart
You fly straight into my heart

But here comes the fall

So much for me believing that sorrow
So much for dreams we see but never care to know
Your heart makes me feel
Your heart makes me moan
For always and ever
I'll never let go
Always concealed
Safe and inside, alive

Show me the dirt pile
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
In a passion it broke
I pull the black from the gray
But the soul can wait
I felt you so much today

"Leif Erickson"

She says It helps with the lights out
Her rabid glow is like braille to the night.
She swears I'm a slave to the details
But if your life is such a big joke, why should I care?

The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight.
So that you two can take some time, teach each other to reciprocate.

She feels that my sentimental side should be held with kid gloves
But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox
She swears I'm just prey to the female,
Well then hook me up and throw me, baby cakes, cuz I like to get hooked.

The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight.
All the people that you've loved they're all bound to leave some keepsakes.
I've been swinging all the time, think it's time to learn your way.
I picture you and me together in the jungle it will be ok.

I'll bring you when my lifeboat sails through the night
That is supposing you don't sleep tonight

It's like learning a new language
Helps me catch up on my mime
If you don't bring up those lonely parts
This could be a good time
You come here to me.
We'll collect those lonely parts and set them down
You come here to me...

She says brief things, her love's a pony
My love's subliminal
... :puke:

Gehennah - 'Beerzerk'

I'm here to drag you in the dirt, kick you where it really hurts
No matter how you kneel and beg, a crushing foot between your legs
I saw you drinking from my glass, that's why I must rip your ass
My fist awaits, my throat was dry, I smash my knuckles in your eyes

A beer in one hand, your teeth in the other
I haven't forgot when you stole from my bottle

There is barbwire where your children play, your family pays for your mistake
Your son is messed up really bad, your daughter's shouting for her dad
Your wimpy parents dressed in white, blown to bits by dynamite
Your wife lies beaten blue and raped, she's never gonna be the same (What a
shame, ha-ha!)

Your brothers shortcut discohair, made me throw him down the stairs
In a wheelchair he got trapped, now he's fucking handicapped
I'll atombomb your childhood town, burning down your neighbour's house
Your life is left in ruins now, as my boot is coming down
Gehennah - 'Hardrocker'

Too drunk to be silent, can't stay on his feet
With a horrible language he crawls down the street
A pleasant condition, can't hold down the food
Fistful of vomits, he's now in the mood

When he starts tumbling and drops to the floor
It's the sign he awaits, he's got to drink more
Insulting the shorthaired, his arm starts to twist
Their nose bones receive the speed of his fist

He's dirty...he's alone...he's metal to the bone


The most indecent back at school, he always skipped class
Told his teacher to fuck off and stick it up her ass
He'll never fit into the crowd, he'll never lose his pride
He won't allow no shorthaired heads, he would rather die

Shortcut hair in sight, no words are needed to start the fight
All disco-dance must end in broken bones
Enough to get him pissed, count the teeth you soon shall miss
Footprints in your swollen face shows the way it must be done

Criminally tough and hard, headbanging where we lie
Whiplash-damage, aching neck, still banging till we die
We'll stand together to the end, ain't ever wimping out
We live and die the metal way, loud is all that counts

Gehennah - 'Piss off, I'm drinking'


I said: Baby, Metal is what I need
Not some bloody whore to feed
She looked at me with stupid eyes
Then I gave her my advice

Piss off, I'm drinking... Piss off, or die (you fucking bitch)
