Favourite POD XT amp model

Liam Thompson

Lord of the Strings
Jan 13, 2004
Sunderland, England
Was just wondering what everyone's favourite POD XT amp model is.

For me, no matter how hard and long I tweak the settings I cannot get a better rhythm tone than I can out of the 5150 II (Criminal II) setting.

For lead I find that the Marshall JMP Pre Amp model works the best for me. I can get a very smooth tone from this model.

I find this is also the case in a live situation when I use my XT through my Marshall 9005 power amp.

So what are your favourite models? :wave:
Currently my stock models (the first ones I go to when tracking with bands/my own stuff) are the 'Criminal' and the 'Diamondplate', but I like the Uberschall model as well atm.

I also find the JMP pre gives a great lead tone, but I just use my actual JMP-1 instead. Compared to the real thing the JMP pre model is absolutely rubbish (it seriously sounds nothing like a real JMP-1, not my JMP-1 anyway)
Razorjack said:
Currently my stock models (the first ones I go to when tracking with bands/my own stuff) are the 'Criminal' and the 'Diamondplate', but I like the Uberschall model as well atm.

I also find the JMP pre gives a great lead tone, but I just use my actual JMP-1 instead. Compared to the real thing the JMP pre model is absolutely rubbish (it seriously sounds nothing like a real JMP-1, not my JMP-1 anyway)

I really like the Ubershall model as well but just can't get it quite near as good as the Criminal.

If JMP sounds that much better than the model on the XT maybe I should seriously consider getting one of them to go with my Marshall 9005, I really love the lead tone I get from the model on the XT and I'll not be able to afford another good valve head for quite a while since my Fender blew up, you might be able to remember that situation a few months ago :tickled: An Engl, 5150, Mesa ect is well out of my price range at the moment.
i got this to sweet shred tone from the brit j800. but my faforite one where i can shred and play some nice rythm with is the dual treadplate frm andy sneap, but i sweaked a bit whit it and now it ounds soo, but really soo awesome. i think i nailed the new nevermore tone
Also as Rajorjack says he thinks the the POD XT version of the JMP Pre Amp sounds rubbish in comparison to the real thing, does anyone think any of the models sound quite similar to the real amps they are based on.

And don't worry I'm under no illusions that the XT models are better than any of the real amps,just wanted to know if anyone thought any models come close?
When I use Criminal it sounds really dry and screechy, not sure why, might need to adjust some things.

But I've found the Diamondplate to be the one that stands out to me thus far for cool rhythm tones. Still experimenting though.
Uberschall was my fav. I couldn't get anything I liked out of the Mesa's. Criminal came close, it was good for slow+mid tempo chunk, but "dry and scratchy" is how I found it when it had less room to breathe on faster percussive riffs.
I really love the ENGL (Angel p-ball) model!!! It kicks serious ass!!!

And are very good the 5150 (Criminal), Triple Rectifier Mesa (Diamondplate), DIezel (Deity Lead).

For clean sounds the best is the VOx Model. Even applied to metal.
Liam Thompson said:
I really like the Ubershall model as well but just can't get it quite near as good as the Criminal.

If JMP sounds that much better than the model on the XT maybe I should seriously consider getting one of them to go with my Marshall 9005, I really love the lead tone I get from the model on the XT and I'll not be able to afford another good valve head for quite a while since my Fender blew up, you might be able to remember that situation a few months ago :tickled: An Engl, 5150, Mesa ect is well out of my price range at the moment.

I'll post some clips of my JMP-1, 9005 rack through a 1960Av soon (in the next few weeks, I'm going into the studio with a band tommorom) if you want. That way you can hear it in action before spending money on it.
I can gett pretty killer tones from most of the amp models, but my current favorite is mixing the SLO with the Treadplate model. I don't have the model packs yet, so I'm speaking only about stock models.

Damn, now I feel a bit stupid. I have a Pod Xt, but Ive never really used it - until NOW - and then i read this thread and discover all of you praise models that aren't in my Pod. Damn - that's not funny. Now my question is (after searching on the line6 website and finding nothing) - is my Pod too old, or does it just need an update or what? Any help is greatly appreciated - or maybe just a link or something.....
When I came into a shop 2 or 3 years ago, to buy an amp, the guy did a demo on the Vetta (and so I bought it) and the first sound he got, I was : "Shit, this thing sounds exactly like a JMP-1 (I don't really like it)" and it was a JMP-1 emulation, so I guess it's pretty close (very) to the original one...
Asmus_Thomsen said:
Damn, now I feel a bit stupid. I have a Pod Xt, but Ive never really used it - until NOW - and then i read this thread and discover all of you praise models that aren't in my Pod. Damn - that's not funny. Now my question is (after searching on the line6 website and finding nothing) - is my Pod too old, or does it just need an update or what? Any help is greatly appreciated - or maybe just a link or something.....

Maybe this is because the names are different. 5150 = Mississipi Criminal, Triple Rectifier = Diamondplate or something like that for example... Don't know if that helps (don't have a Pod myself).
Razorjack said:
After using it today for a guide track while recording drums I have to say that the Criminal is THE best model you can get for the POD XT. It just sits perfectly in the (rough) mix.

I agree 100%. My settings are here:


One of these settings is using the "Big Bottom" model, which I think is underrated. Still, the Criminal beats all the other models.