Favourite shows of the weekend

Definitely Shadow Gallery. What a show!! I remember buying Carved in Stone 15 years ago in the Virgin (I believe) under the WTC in New York and since then I was looking forward to seeing them play live once.

Darkwater was also incredible, Calling The Earth To Witness was my favorite album of 2007 and The Play is one of my favorite songs of alltime. I really wanted to get to the listening session, but as we were not staying in Baarlo, I couldn't make it. Have to wait for November then.

Myrath was great as well, what a live band and the singer is a true showman.

Sacrum, I didn't know them, but their performance was great and I bought Days of Quarantine right after their set.

Day Six, the energy of the singer/guitarplayer is great to watch not to mention his facial expressions.

Xerath, solid performance and a great frontman.

Jon Oliva, although I liked the show, I somehow noticed that the atmosphere changed a little and not in a good way and that was even before the beer throwing incident.

All the other bands, too bad I missed Oceans of Sadness due to having diner.

The Saturday might be the best ProgPower day I've been to (and I missed only one time).
Honestly, I would've put in Day Six, Haken and "The Dutch Collection" (as Doan from Day Six called them), since I did enjoy them as well, but didn't want to put in too many bands :p But now that everyone is putting down long lists, I'll edit my post and add those three :P

Also, I liked Myrath, but I'm not big on the middle-eastern style of vocalizing. I told (I think it was) the father of one of those guys, Ahmed, as much and he appreciated the honesty :) I love people who can take criticism in a good way :)
There's lots of arabian scales in metal guitar playing, just think of Ara-bi-a, and then search for it in any other form of metal music. So why not in the vocals?
This is what makes the band being so special, I love it!
I know, but for some reason it didn't catch on for me. Luckily I was pretty much the only one though :) The rest of the people I talked to reacted the same way :)
That's because you were still staring at the belly dancer and forgot to listen to the rest of the show, Marcel ;)

Sacrum's stage show was one I won't forget any time soon. I did greatly enjoy the irony of the song after the "suicide" - "Keeping Me Alive" :D
That's because you were still staring at the belly dancer and forgot to listen to the rest of the show, Marcel ;)

Actually, I missed the opening of Myrath cos for some reason I was stuck outside (I can't remember why I missed the opening, tbh :P ). I didn't see the belly dancer :P
I was staring many times at Myraths drummer.
He looks so hilarious with the big ear muffs and his facial expression while (very tight & great btw) drumming was too funny :D
I always waited when the notebook on his side will fall down, which happend in fact later :p

I was very impressd by Myrath's Performance anyway and will now order the first album too. The riffing and songwriting is just excellent in my opinion, the guitar player has a big talent for great leadguitar parts.
Besides, one of the fattest guitar-wall-sounds i heard live for a long time - incredible he only uses a line 6 floor-POD for that.
For me and in no particular order

Xerath (completely Brutal and such nice guys)
Klone (another great french band)
Leprous (who were just awesome)
Progma C (another great polish band)
Myrath (love that arabic Prog)

Om Mani for 2011
My top-5:

1) Jon Oliva's Pain: I absolutely love Savatage and also his work as JOP; this performance was despite all problems amazing!
2) Oceans Of Sadness: This band was for me the surprise of the weekend. Great songs, great show, great atmosphere.
3) Shadow Gallery: Really looked forward to seeing them live and for me, they delivered big time.
4) Myrath: Great act, well played, good songs, great enthousiasm!
5) Tie between Leprous and Haken: two very young, very promising bands. We'll probably see them back in some years with two/three records under their belt, playing even better than this year.
For me it was in no particulary order

shadow gallery

but i really disliked the peformance of xerath, guess i'm not totally into that kind of metal stuff :P
My favourites were...
1+) Xerath (ow my neck!)
2) Leprous
3) Oceans of Sadness
4) Proghma-C
5) Haken

Great line-up all round though!
For me it was Proghma-C and Leprous, too.

For the rest of the bands I have used my self-developed 'Rule of 10 Minutes Pee'. If, after watching the band for 10 minutes I am not keen to pee, I stay to watch the rest. This time it only happened for the mentioned bands. Staying, that is. ;)