Favourite Song Titles!

Deicide - Satan Spawn the Caco Demon
Mayhem - Chainsaw Gutsfuck
Anal Cunt - I Became a Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked for It
Anal Cunt - You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You in the Stomach
Cannibal Corpse - Meat hook sodomy, Devoured by vermin
Cattle Decapitation - The regurtitation of corpses
Intense Hammer Rage - Lucious Lesbian Lardass Lovers
Intestinal Disgorge - Corrosion of green anal walls
Cromambaddon - Beaten, Burnt and a crushed skull

Hmm didn't realise i had most of these :S But they made me laugh :)
:lol: Intense Hammer Rage are an excellent band, very funny.

The Corpse In Question Didn't Say No
The Third of Five To Have Her Alive
Homesick Abortion
My First, Her Face, Same Time, Same Place