Favourite Death Metal Vocalist?

If you think sounding like a barking dog makes a good vocalist, then the guy from Origin is good. I'm pretty sure they kicked him out because he so poorly enunciated words. I haven't heard the new guy.

David Vincent and Jeff Walker are good. They do sound almost the same though. I think Chuck is good on Human and earlier, when he still has the low growl.
last i remember, james lee was doin vocals for cephalic carnage.

and im pretty sure if your gonna kicka growling vocalist out of a death metal band, its not because of poorly pronounced words. you cant understand 99% of DM vocalists. out of my entire DM catalog (which is pretty exstensive) i can only understand 2 vocalists. corpsegrinder and the guy from kataklysm.

and according to the origin site, james lee is still in the band
I just checked M-A for Origin, and was thoroughly confused. It lists four vocalists, and one former vocalist, so I may not have my facts straight. It also says that the drummer is no longer in the band. That guy was awesome.

On a side note, Cephalic Carnage is awful.
Shit, I forgot Origin. It's insane watching all of those guys do vocals live, it's just back and forth madness. Fear not though MoL, the new drummer is awesome...not sure if he's permanent though.
almost every member in that band does vocals. that may be what you saw. and ofcourse, theyre all awesome

and cephalic carnage is one of the best bands to come out in the past 5 years!
Pete Helmkamp's performance on Order From Chaos' debut, Stillbirth Machine, obliterates all previous attempts at growling.

As for the higher pitched screamers, Tommy Simonsen of Fester has a notably vicious growl. As does Jason Köhnen of Bluuurgh...

Some other favourites include Christoffer Johnsson who lay down the vocals for Liers In Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art.

Martin Van Drunen on Pestilence - Consuming Impulse.

Whoever put down the vocals on Entombed's Clandestine and Mike Browning of Nocturnus.
Thorn (vocals on Vital Remains - Dawn Of The Apocalypse)
Jeff Becerra(Possessed)
Bay Cortez (Sadistic Intent)
K.K. Warslut (Destroyer 666)
Ross Dolan (Immolation)
Daniel Corchado (The Chasm)
Frank Mullen (Suffocation)
Francis Howard (Incubus/Opprobrium)
Pete Helmkamp (Angelcorpse, Order From Chaos)
Brett Hoffman-vocals Malevolent Creation albums Stillborn and Retribution
Glen Benton-Deicide
Johann-the late and great Blatherskite!
Johann Gregg-Amon Amarth I hope I got that name right!
Chris Barnes when he was with CC
David Vincent-Morbid Angel
Nate Olp-Demiricous