favourite speaker?

i thinking to build my own cab but wanna know little bit speakers what could be good to use :kickass:

1.what is your favourite guitar cab speaker and why?
2.what kind of cab(4x12,2x12...... you would load that your favourite speaker?
3.is there any cab like marshall,mesa or engl what is loaded with your favourite speaker?
V30s are kindof standard for a tight high gain sound. A lot of people rave about the mesa OS (the rectifier cab) which has their own special type of V30s in it, although i think it's mainly the cab design that makes them so good.
Mmm fav speaker is the celestion v30 or maybe the manowar idkw i just like them a lot thru my tsl... fav cab would be a 2x12 1x15 i love that combination... i love the oooooldd but reaaalllyyy old randall cabs !! awsome for metal...