
Supreme Ruler of the Sofa
Sep 20, 2005
I have quite a few of their mp3's on my PC, so I decided to go pick up thier newest album.
Half of it is pretty good, but the other half of the songs really sound like Nu-metal, which suprised me, and there is a :zombie: really bad (and not bad as in good..) U2 cover on it.
If I gave them another chance, what album should I pick up?
I like all of their music but Demanufacture and Obsolete seem to be favorites. Soul of a New Machine is really good too. I like Archetype but I don't know if you would like it as much since I really like Transgression and you aren't that keen on half the album. So I say Demanufacture and Obsolete.
I picked up "Demanufacture" today, I like this one better.
Thanks for the advice.
I might pick up "Obsolete" sometime soon.
I like all of their records, even the new one, even Digimortal. Of course, Demanufacture kicks all ass combined, and Obsolete is right up there. I don't listen to the first record; the songwriting and performances are a bit primitive, and overall it's a much more raw record, but still has some solid material.
Digimortal is their only nu metal album.

Demanufacture is a masterpiece. I never get tired of that record. Anyway you got Demanufacture. Yeah, get Obsolete and Soul of A New Machine. They have some good remix albums. Fear is a Mindkiller and Remanufacture.
Hey Peoples.
I picked up Digimortal and Obsolete yesterday.
Obsolete is pretty cool, Thanks again.
Drokk said:
Still has some good stuff on it.

Yes it does, not as good as Demanufacture and Obselete but i liked it, I havent really heard Transgression but i heard Archetype when it first came out and really liked that.