Feared 'Synder' Album

Currently listening to the full stream on Metal Injection, sounds great.

I also totally dig that short interlude song "Dygder", this could definitely come from some Silent Hill Soundtrack.
I have to admit I wasn't a huge fan of the two singles released so I was a little worried but this album RIPS. It's more progressive and even heavier than Vinter, but it still has that groove element that I love about Ola's guitar playing. Fuck me.
I have now listened the album about halfway though, and I think this album may be even better album than Vinter and I really loved Vinter, unlike the most of the artists Ola just keeps doing better albums every album after another, damn you Ola, maybe it would be the time to put your "St. Anger" out finally :lol:.
The first few times I listened to Feared, I was like "meh". Liked each new album lesser and lesser. But then I noticed myself secretly headbanging Ola's riffs. I found Vinter to be the "#1 meh" amongst his albums but you tend to think shit when your nether region has been blown off by the metal assault, as one would discover later lol.

Similar first reaction to Synder but after a month or so, I'll "get it" and recognize it for its true worth.

Also, I really really hope we see Solar part 2 and/or the second album for 2015!
Awesome work. Can we get a small clip of just the 3 raw bass tones for reference? (1-low end Ermz bass duty, 2-higher end gritty Ola bass, and 3-blended together)
Doesn't have to be the whole track, but just a sample for reference? Loving the blend of the two.
A bit late... but, I have to say something about it.
This Album is really the best Feared album in my opinion - awesome songwriting!
I love the riffs, the vocals, drums, guitar sound and the whole production... everything sounds fucking huge!

I am interested in the guitar tone. Any Info about it? :)