Feb. tour in the US?

October Tide

New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2001
Chicago, USA
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I was paging through the most recent issue of Metal Maniacs, and I came across the KOCH Records ad on page 31.
The bottom of the ad reads... "ANATHEMA - a fine day to exit... First U.S. tour starting in February!!!!
The Anathema webpage mentions nothing of this, nor can I find ANYONE that has....
any news?

When i asked Les Smith i Copenhagen he said there might be a scandinavian tour in Feb/March, but i have heard someone else who also had heard a rumor about an US tour in february....hmm im sure something will happen soon. :confused:
John Douglas (senior) wrote me in an email (January 17th):
"A possible trip to Mexico and USA looks to have been shelved for the moment."
"They did plan to do other gigs in Europe , very likely Poland inc. but they have not been arranged yet."

That's all I know. Hope mega can find out something new (especially about the Poland tour :) )
Originally posted by mega
I am trying to get tour dates from Les but we'll see when and if that happens

Les' words
"As we speak there are no confirmed gigs for the band .the next possible is Mexico in May with hopefully some stop over in the States. I will let you know as soon as anything is confirmed"
so don't believe the rumours people, just keep an eye for the official page.