Feedback for my first serious mix

Hello, i play in a death metal band fron Argentina, we tracked 4 songs recently and now we are looking for someone to mix it... in the meantime i am also doing some mixing of my own, i use Cubase 5, waves plugins, izotope ozone 4 and psp vintage warmer 2, amongst some other plugins. My pc is a dual core with 4 g of ram and a m-audio fast track ultra.

Heres is the link so you can hear the mix:

The song is quite long and has a lot of things... so is quite hard to keep it clear, i hear that it saturates in some parts (especially in the transition from the heavy guitars to acoustic clean guitars).... i dont know how to get rid of it without losing volume.

I am really after a "big sound", dynamics are not very important to me (i like dynamics in jazz but for metal i prefer to go for the loudest, must "mid cutting" sound possible, before it turns to shit hehe).

Some info of the recording:

Drumkit was a Mapex, dont remember the model, usual mics...
Bass is a Spector going DI through a Sansamp pedal
Guitars are ESP 351, Schecter Demon 7 and ESP Viper 7 reamped trhough a Bogner Uberschall going thru 2 cabs (Both marshalls, one with v30 the other with g12) mics were 57 and 421 in each cab, API mic preamps. Rhythm Gtr. are Quad.
Vocals used a 58 for low grunts and a expensive condenser for high pitched screams (dont remember wich) trhough avalon mic pres.

Im going after the "Gojira sound" of course very aware of our limitations (we are no Gojira and i am no Logan Mader, neither we have their resources).
But i really appreciate the clarity and wide space of The way of all flesh album, i would like to come as closer as i can to that.

Guitars sound very undergained. Vocals need a high-end boost. Drums sound dry and robotic. Cymbals need less volume.

thanks for replying! what do you mean by undergained?

Everything else i understand, drums are dry, there is no reverb at all in the mix yet, which leads me to other question what do you consider to be the best all use reverb for fx buss?
As for robotic drums... believe it or not thats how he plays... i dont know how to revert that....
I will lower cymbals, didn't hear that detail at first
Thank you!