Feedback on my mixes


Fuckin' Dr. of Journalism
Aug 3, 2002
Fallbrook, CA
I was hoping that you guys could give me some feedback on some of my mixes, I've got them up here. I'd appreciate it if you could listen to any one or all of them and give me your honest opinion about what you like or don't like. All that I ask is that you don't be too harsh with my vocals as I know that I don't have the best voice in the world.

P.S. Does anybody know a place where I could upload some higher quality Mp3's?
"Things Never Change" reminds me of BLS a little bit. Cool harmonics!

I can hear everything in the mix, so that is a big plus. There is kind of a strange "pumping" effect happening to the mix though, how did you master this? Sounds like your compressor/limiter is too slow. Could also be the overheads?

Vocals remind me of Prong a little bit. It's cool stuff overall, has a nice groove to it!
Guitars sounds ok to me but not great.
Drums are descent but a bit boxy for my taste. (maybe too much room)
The weakest part is the vocals. Too up front and not angry enough.
Overall, it reminds me of the old Venom stuff.
Hope no offense, I'm not a great producer as you can figure it.
I listened to Things Never Change...

First thing i can say is that the drums sound a bit off to me, i think they need a bit more high-end, and the hihat needs more crunch imo. I think this will help make the guitars fit in more too.
I agree with Kazrog, it sounds like some pumping going on, might wanna check that.

Overall i thought it sounded totally ok, could use some work but not bad at all.
Thanks for listening guys, I'll look into that pumping problem (that sounds wrong for some reason) and you've given me some other things to look into, so thanks again and if anyone else has any suggestions don't be afraid to contribute.
That snare cuts through, quite possibly too well. If it's a sample, try to automate the velocity on it. If it's not(or even if it is), also automate the volume on it, add some verb to push it back a little, and add some low mids to it, to provide some body. It's pretty bright. Other than that, I like it. The toms seem kinda fake too, listening to it again. Try to use automation to your advantage to give the mix some dynamics and realism.
Suggestion noted, the toms sound fake because they are. My tom mics really suck so I had to replace them with DFH samples. The snare is real, but anymore low-mids really screw up the snare sound, but I'll fuck with it some more, thanks for the feedback.