Feedback on Rough Mix


Dec 23, 2005
Cologne, Germany
Hey people.
I've just finished a rough mix of a song for my bands album. Not everything is done, the samples have to be properly tweaked and I think the vox is maybe a little too quiet. I'm looking for any suggestions on how to improve the mix.
A shout out has to go to LSD-Studio for the fantastic reamped guitars.

Here it is: - Disconnected.mp3

So in the words of Devin Townsend "Come on tell me how much we fucking suck"
Too much Glühwein?

that is not possible! ;)

the opposite is the case....not enough, just drained the second pack and no resupply in sight, so I gotta sleep...gotta get up early tomorrow anyway , will give feedback tomorrow, really wanna hear it, what I can hear over my ibook's speakers sounds great (I mean the music, can't judge sound on these speakers)
Well just took a short listen to - cool music, but i don't like the snare sound - way too much "bucket" in it. Also thinks that the kicks could use a little more definition.
I really like the snare...
perhaps cause I'm a bit over-saturated with my typical "Pcchhhh" snare...
sounds raw and fints the tune, don't change it too much!
(I'd even perhaps boost the overtones a bit)

I love the vox in the chorus (all vox a bit louder would be cool though).
Guitars sound good, what have you done to them post-processing-wise?

Oh, yep. I wanna have the Cd when it's finished!
Thanks for the comments. I'm also starting to think that the snare needs a little tweaking and that the mix needs a little more high end.

LSD-Studio: On the guitars the only thing other than the usual treatment (HPF, LPF and a bit of C4) was that I put the Waves TransX Multi (Multiband Transient shaper) in to bring out a little more attack in the guitars.
KeithRT99: I think it's only too quiet in certain places, but I think that's due to the L3 on the master buss. The L3 is only to get a bit of loudness while mixing and will be removed before being sent off for mastering.

I actually think the Hihat is too loud. The thing is that the HiHat mic is mute and is just coming from the Overheads. Also the China is too quiet / not enough body.

LSD-Studio: Thanks. Of course you'll be getting a copy. It's the least I could do after you produced such awesome reamped guitars.
Thanks for the comments but I still think it's missing some, to paraphrase Bulb, "Djent". I've been using Strapping Young Lad's "City" album as a reference. Even though that album doesn't have a lot of "Djent" in the guitars it still has way more than my mix. :(