Feedback On Wah Tone


New Metal Member
Oct 17, 2011
I was given a track to lay some lead over, and I used my typical wah set-up on my Zoom GFX8 for the first half of the tune, and just went straight distortion/delay on the second half. I've created a few tunes with the wah, but for some reason it's sounding really 'nasally' to me in this mix. What are your thoughts?
The wah doesn't sound too bad, a little thin.

What is your guitar recording chain?
Whatever the setup, I've always had the best luck setting the wah first in the chain.
PRS>ZoomGFX8>M-Audio USB Interface>Audacity
I've made other tunes and it didn't seem as thin at the time. I dunno. The wah is part of the multi-effects pedal. Thinking about getting something better, and I like the convenience of having an all in one. Possibly getting a L6 HD500, or just a Morley. Thanks for responding though.
Can the order of fx be adjusted in the GFX8? To set the wah first in the chain?

Try a test where you bypass everything in the fx pedal except the wah pedal. So, you are recording only the clean wah tone. Load a basic ampsim chain in your DAW track, like Lepou Lecto or LeXtac into Lecab 1.0, then add some reverb or delay. Set that track for record monitoring if needed.
Might be worth a test.....
Can the order of fx be adjusted in the GFX8? To set the wah first in the chain?

Try a test where you bypass everything in the fx pedal except the wah pedal. So, you are recording only the clean wah tone. Load a basic ampsim chain in your DAW track, like Lepou Lecto or LeXtac into Lecab 1.0, then add some reverb or delay. Set that track for record monitoring if needed.
Might be worth a test.....

Great idea. I've never messed around with amp sim software, but I'll definitely give it go. Thank you for the insight.