Feeding The Machine

Aug 14, 2002
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ill just give this album a one word review:
Awesome! :D

havent heard his first album but im deffinatly gonna look for it...

so in your oppinoin which album is better machine or his first one?

:) :) :)
well sofar i mannaged to get to listen to about half the tracks... and i gotta admit theres one part i dont really like on Through Your Eyes, even though the beginning to that song is killer....
but other then that everything i heard sofar sounded cool,

a nice mix of pregressiveness with bits of thrashy ness and some deathy chugs as well

its deffinatly somonthing im gonna be looking for to buy... ill check out contagion too... looking forward to hearing more stuff where James gets center stage :)

:) :) :)
Oh and i forgot to mention the Great heavyness and thraashy power of chuck billy's contribution to the cd... that track is flawless and amazing :D

id buy the cd just to hear chuck and james play together :D
I like Feeding The Machine alot too. I am more fond of Convergence for some reason but with FTM it has alot of different styles and is a much more broad statement for Murphy's playing ability. The covers are simply amazing. Especially the Dixie Dregs "Odyssey". How he was able to convert what the violin was doing over into guitar format was flawlessly done, lets one know how much complete control he has over the frets. Also Race with a Devil... is just unmatched and puts Vai's version to shame! I'm not sure what the part you don't like about Through Your Eyes is. I thought I would never like Vistors because of the vocals but over time it's became a favorite. Very epic sound through out the whole song. I use to play that cd to Microsoft's Motor Cross Madness and it gave me a extra rush in trying to do the best tricks. I listen to alot of cds when playing games and the second solo cd is symbolic to that part of my life for those kinda games. I can remember the levels/maps now. good times!

I prefer FTM. Its a more individual sounding album, and not as similar to the millions of shred releases as Convergenve was. Convergence slays though, with several stunning songs...
They're both great albums, I can't really choose which is better, but I've only had Feeding the Machine for about 2 months now, so I am still listening to that one a lot more than Convergence, and I would love for a 3rd one to come out soon, although I know he always has other projects as well.
yeah chuck did rule, i also liked the vocals of the geezer guy... hes rather good didnt expect to like him but really got into it :)

and through, eyes... (track 7 ) really suprizingly good also :)

great album, hope he makes another solo

and HOPE he gets to work with testament again!
