Feeler: Any interest in a Sunn Model T clone?


Harris Snyder
Dec 5, 2009
Toronto, Canada

Since I'm not actually selling anything by way of this thread I figure this is probably the appropriate section to put this.

Would anybody here be interested in a high quality hand wired clone of a 70s first generation Sunn Model T? Price would be about 1300 CAD plus shipping to wherever you are...

There are some local requests for me to make these.. curious if anyone on here might be interested as well. Heyboer Iron, probably winged C 6550s, and high quality components used throughout.

Not expecting a huge reaction from the people here but i figured it wouldn't hurt to see. Any interest? Suggestions or requests for other models also welcome.
Thanks for the replies guys. Waiting now on the quote from Heyboer for the cost of their iron. As far as being done right, well basically I'm going for high end, both on the parts and craftsmanship. Or if you meant done right meaning according to taste, well of course! Each one would be basically custom - the end result would be whatever you want, really.

I'm glad there's at least some interest, I'll let you know when this is ready to move ahead.