Woe is me. I have a pretty good set up, and don't think I'm a bad guitar player. Have good musical tastes (Devin Townsend, Opeth, Gojira, Marty Freidman, etc) And I have been looking up and down, and everywhere to join a band. Just can't find anything. I am in the CA Central Valley, not really the best place for music I guess. But.... just as I post my gear on Craigslist, I get an Email from a band I actually like music from, letting me have a shot at an audition. Super nervous. It's for lead guitar, and, while I like to think I am a lead player mostly focused not really on speed, but on melody, I don't think I'm..."shreddy" which is kind of what some parts of the songs from this band certainly call for. Music for me, has been a ten year roller coaster of mostly BS feelings, and am so set on just walking away, I have my friggin' Engl Savage 120 up for sale... I mean... who gives up that kind of gear, and so many years of playing?
I don't even know the dang point of this thread, I just mostly feel like crap about music right now.... I just remember when music was fun.
I don't even know the dang point of this thread, I just mostly feel like crap about music right now.... I just remember when music was fun.