Guitar Leads


"Too Punish And Enslave"
Mar 12, 2008
I have been playing guitar for about 18 years but was never a lead guitarist cause i have problems stretching my fingers.. Well mostly my pinky. i have recently been writing a lot of leads and this is something i have come up with

I am working on arpeggios (Speeding them up) big time which there is in this one just around the beginning before the shred, those who know them will know. Just curious if anyone has some decent tips or anything. Ps this is the dist in my new amp, shitty recording. It's a heavy ass dist... Randall rules....


Sounds good. Personally I'm not a big fan of solos - they tend to bore me if they go much over 20 seconds. But that stuff sounds good. A couple licks like that and you have a solo.
Im in the same boat, not much of a solo player, I enjoy jamin out some improvs but their never very good. I only did a fair job when I was in a cover band splitting the solo duties. I still love guitar work though, instrumental music has gotten as much play by me over the years as any other. The few things you have in that piece sound pretty decent considering I know where your comming from. A bit more "commentment" to your notes in spots would go along way.... at least thats what I keep telling myself...... lol