Feelings in their concerts!


New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2001
I would like to know, what you feel, when you see Anathema at the stage, when you hear Vincent's velvet voice and the melodies of the guitars...

I was on a concert yesterday and it was great. It touched my like nothing else before. And today I feel unreal and extremly sad. The CDs aren't the same. Live they show so much more passion.

What are your feelings?

i saw them live... i got sad because it ended so quicly (1 h and a half). they were just great, Vincent was always joking with the fact that people think that just because they play sad music they are sad bastards. Well they played Shroud OF Frost with Divine Lust (portuguese opening band) and it was great. Vince came out with this excentricly large glasses with lights on it and eating a BANANA!! i laughed my shit out, then the music started and you know how it is... Shroud Of Frost is not a laughing music. At the end me and 2 other guys asked them to play Dying Wish and so they did... On Empty Vince almost started crying... shit i wish it didnt ended so quicly... ironic is that i for me their concert stays forever here... as for them... it was just another gig...

You are so right! That concert was so special, but for the band it was only another gig, another town, another fans....
I buyed the new album yesterday and it hurts, because that passion, that live in their songs, the pain is missing. Just songs, great songs, but in reality they so much better.
"Empty" was so cool with so much power! I had to cry as he sang One last goodbye with so much love and pain.

I wish, I could change with you. If I were crazy, I could go home this afternoon (I work in Munich for 5 months now and they are playing tomorrow night near my hometown) and see them again. But I am hesitating. That's stupid!

If there is ever a chance to see them, then do it! They are greater then great.

Hope to hear from you all soon! Where are you all from?

I attach my favourite gesture of Vincent! :)


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Just saw them live in Bochum. Well I am a little bit disappointed. They can do it better. I know that Anathema couldn´t top the Offenbach-Gig last in May 2000. This was ubsolutely unbelievable. It was somehow a secret gig. The date has been posted just two days before on their official hp and in rockhard.de. Only 25 people were in this club. It was a really private atmosphere. Anathema played 2 hours and 15 minutes and played songs they would never play on a normal gig (Jeff Buckley-Cover, ...) :)))))))))) but today, well... The new songs aren´t this intensive as the old ones are and Anathema failed to play them live just as good as on CD. AFDTE is somehow "overproduced". So I am a little bit disappointed. Also the sound-engineer of the "Zeche" in Bochum should learn that Anathema isn´t producing there intensity by a loud evil bass drum. In some songs it really sounded like ABBA. Anathema aren´t pop-music and they will never be (I hope...) !!!
AGDTE... i have that now... it bores me till my spine... hope i get to like it... someday.

they are not pop-music NOW... well they used to be OPRESSIVE doom metal... now they play rock... so i think its a matter of time. Anyway they'll continue with the good lyrics (i hope).