Anathema - New album ? Concerts ?? Anything ???


Jun 22, 2002
BUDAPEST - city of Hungerians
I remember that there was a discussion about how the new Anathema album will be like. But when they began to record it ? Are they planning to do some concerts or tours ?

Danny, Jay pleeeeeeaase :)

(We should organize a concert in Hungary if you come next year to tour here around)
When i asked Danny about it in Greece, he said that they had an idea about releasing two albums ( two CD's) in a small period of time, something similar with what radiohead did with ''kid a'' and ''amnesiac''. But that's not for sure, they 'll start the recording process and if they 'll have enough material they 'll probably do it! And about new songs, he told me that they have many ideas for songs, but none is ready yet!
I guess all we can do is wait... :p
When I tallked to Jamie he said that they have several new ideas and that they would start putting them together during autumn. He said that the new album would be a big surprise, and that it would be released sometime next year.

Danny, Jamie or anyone could you please tell us a bit more about this matter?

Anyway, I am positive that the guys will give us another album-diamond as they have done so many times before... Keep up the good work!!! ;)

Take care everyone!
i remember that at the end of 2000 they (anathema) said that we would see new album (afdte) in april'01 and next one about april'02. and... you know how it was....

sincerely i doubt we'll see new album soon.

i wonder which album will be first : antimatter's "lights out" or succesor of "a fine day to exit" ;-)
Originally posted by Sopel
i remember that at the end of 2000 they (anathema) said that we would see new album (afdte) in april'01 and next one about april'02. and... you know how it was....

sincerely i doubt we'll see new album soon.

i wonder which album will be first : antimatter's "lights out" or succesor of "a fine day to exit" ;-)
I'm almost sure it will be the new Antimatter. Both are "working on" new songs, but I know that Duncan is a bit faster in those things than the Anathema guys ;)
Originally posted by Heiko

I'm almost sure it will be the new Antimatter. Both are "working on" new songs, but I know that Duncan is a bit faster in those things than the Anathema guys ;)

Our album has been written for over a year, but we havent had a record company. I demoed my songs for that album in august of last year, so they've been recorded for 12 months now. I am in the process of writing new stuff, so i suppose this will either be disregarded or used in the successor to lights out (if there is one)
Originally posted by Sopel
i remember that at the end of 2000 they (anathema) said that we would see new album (afdte) in april'01 and next one about april'02. and... you know how it was....

sincerely i doubt we'll see new album soon.

I hate the way bands/record companies ALWAYS do this. If there's one thing we should never believe, it's set dates for album releases. It's almost absurb as far as the accuracy of them being wrong! :lol:
Originally posted by Mick Moss

I demoed my songs for that album in august of last year, so they've been recorded for 12 months now. I am in the process of writing new stuff

hey mick, will you always write new stuff a year (or more) before release?

btw, i have so much posts as you have! (143) thus i think that we are meant for each other. and i'm gonna visit you in liverpool and lick clean your sweet and somewhat red-hot ass. beware!!!