Fellow Vintersorg fans!


Artifact Of Chaos
May 4, 2001
I was going through old threads and just noticed it has already been a year since the Vintersorg forum was brought to UM.


How time flies! Just wanted to say its been great meeting you people and may the next year be better, or something like that :D

I wasn't there at the beginning. Joined in later. But it's really great to see this board prosper. And I'll surely be there in the years to come. ;)

So, a big hooray to the Vintersorg board and its inhabitants! :hotjump: :)
according to my statistics, I was here for the first time on sept. 18th 2001.
I remember that I wanted to be quite active but ended up in not posting half the things I actually wanted to :rolleyes:
now I write even more seldom... *shrugs*

at least I remember now how I heard of UM :loco:

We must celebrate! With Beer I guess?! ( and yeahyeah, non alcoholic bevearages are avaliable, no need to complain... :rolleyes: :lol:

-phyros ( back in blue? )
Hey all.
Never read this thread before now.
I gues I'm kinda a newbie here, I found this site from being on the Borknagar ML for quite a while...
Many drink's go out to all here.:)
I have many beer's left from 2 fire's this weekend. (having fire's almost every weekend lately)
:oops: oooooo i feel special i was there in the second page :D

Well cheers to the Vintersorg forum and many more years to come hopefully :)
WHOOOOOHOOO!!!! Another party and fun-thread!!! :D IIIiiihhhh!!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
I like such threads!!! :D *hands aruond some mead, solo and cola, and chocolate for everyone* SKÅL!!