Hello Vintersorg fans


.. growing long hair
Oct 5, 2002
Hello everyone..

This looks like a very nice and active (!) forum you have here. I am looking forward to join the fun.

I have been a Vintersorg fan for about a year now, and I am still impressed with the greatness of the music. I think "Til Fjälls" is the best album, but of course I still haven't heard "ödemarkens sön".

Who am I? The short version: a 23 winters old metal head from Denmark.

Anyways - I just wanted to introduce myself..

hello let me introduce myself.
i'm a new member ....
Sweedish Metal website is a fabulous place to talk about metal, and i'm very happy to be here.
i'm a guy from France and i like so much Vintersorg.

see you soon.
Thanks everyone..

@Somber Soul: Yes I know - it is on the top of my infinite long "to buy" CD list. I will write back, when I have gotten my hands on it.

@BlackSpirit: Yeah, Scandinavia rocks.

Welcome Zarzax - great not to be the only UM newbie in here :D

I'm new here too, just clicked a few links at first with the UM boards and happened to be steered here a few times

I'll try to get my hands on a Vintersorg album soon to mingle a bit more in the crowd ;)

Me in short: I'm a 19 year old student from the Netherlands (studying Telematics) who listens mainly to metal (duh), lately I'm most into Viking/Black Metal

And now I'm off studying again for my damn examn :mad: