Welcome Vintersorg Fans!

Soo, can´t you rob a bank or something?
maybe i can... hmm... maybe i can
Frostyy :D I decided to get Ödemarkens Son first and I think I made pretty good choice :). I may also buy Till Fjälls soon 'cause my friend would sell it for a fair price.
Well, I've done quite well. It's little cold here but that's a good excuse to stay inside the four walls :)
How have you been then? I haven't seen you in the chat for a while? You've been too busy?
And thanks to Phyros for welcomes :) It's up to all of you whether I'll enjoy or not. So of course I will :)
I´m on..:D As long as I could make anyone feel happy I am content...:) Not that I am rich, but how much is the ticket anyway?
Yeah you made a great choice Q and if your friend is not smart enough to keep a Vintesorg album take advantage of the situation! ;)

I have been a bit busy lately, taking some huge tests and trying to figure out where to go to college. I will probably end up going to a smaller one around this area until I transfer to Seattle next year.
@astarte: then you'll have to rob a bank! ;)
BTW: today I just found somewhere to get taught Swedish....and I'm getting to shape my future plans....(well they never come true, but this time it's nicer making the effort)

fathervic (plain and simple)
Originally posted by FatherVic
[B today I just found somewhere to get taught Swedish....and I'm getting to shape my future plans....(well they never come true, but this time it's nicer making the effort)

satursday, i saw a book to learn swedish in a shop ... Somebody finally choose to not buy it, and instead of putting it back at his place, he left it in the bad place, JUST BEFORE ME (i was looking the Sci-Fi books) ... THAT MUST BE A SIGN

But i haven't bought it because i was out of money
come on,people!! learn swedish all of you and then we will do some cool practice here :)

~Mel~(always comes up with stupid ideas at 5.00 AM ....daaaaaaaamn,i have a test tomorrow evening (18.00) )
good luck! :)

i took my tests today and got accepted in the school, but only in english... well, at least now i'll know how are things instead of just guessing :spin: