OK, here we go...
First I must say that I am horrid with setlists, the only ones I remember are usually Maiden

with that said... I must also say I have never been a huge King fan. Most of the time people either hate or love his work... I am in the rare middle per say as I do enjoy some of it and although I do not like his vocals much... well, let's just say I've grown used to them.
First up was Behemoth, I am not a major black metal fan... only like a handful of bands/albums. Behemoth were excellent thought... the melodies were infectious and played well, the vocals were hypnotic and made the crowd react as well as the pit go into it's usual "tornado state". I would highly recomend these guys... also, nice people!
Next was The Black Dahlia Murder... bunch of "regular joe's" playing melodic death metal... nothing outstanding about this outfit, but they played well and it was catchy!
Then Nile took the stage, I must say I had heard many great things about them... well, in my opinion they did not deliver AT ALL... I thought the music was off, their new drummer wasn't very good and to top it off they had the "gutural" type vocals that I am not very fond of... I only gave them 5 mins and was bored to tears.
In between these 3 bands Kittybeast and I were in the 3rd level chilling out, finally it was time to wait for the main attraction... the King! It was so odd though... security made everyone clear out the VIP area along with the hallways that lead to the talent's dressing rooms so that KD could enter the venue... I saw him with his backup singer and like 2 bodyguards as he entered very quickly to go to his dressing room. After discussing this weird event with a friend he said that was rather odd as KD has always been a nice man who interacts with fans etc... I wonder what the problem was? At any rate, he took the stage shortly after that... the crowd was just static! The stage set-up was amazing... as well as KD's performance and showmanship... the theatrics were very professional, the musicians were on top of their musical game and the sound was great! It could not have been better! Truly an enjoyable show. The sad part was that the show started like 2 hours late and it was a Sunday

so we did not stay for the encore... geez I only got 4 hrs of sleep... but it was totally worth it! If KD hits your town don't miss it!