King Diamond - Old vs. New


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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This post is sure to put me in hot water with a lot of folks but what the hell. Sometimes you gotta put your balls right out on the table for the world to see. If nothing else, you may choose to smash them flat with a wooden hammer. But here goes....

Which do you all feel is superior....Abigail era King Diamond or Puppetmaster?

I'll admit to being a new KD fan. I love it. Can't get enough. PUPPETMASTER is my new favorite cd and it is full of old school loud guitar crushing riff metal. A masterpiece in my humble opinion. So I was so stoked on the PUPPETMASTER that I picked up the KING DIAMOND BEST OF put out by Roadrunner. Now, don't get me wrong. I like it. But I don't LOVE it. In fact, I can live without it. There's nothing on there that really sticks in my head or makes me want to listen to it as opposed to the Puppetmaster or anything else. I gues it's just not as memorable to me. I should also note that I LOVE MERCYFUL FATE, at least what I've heard on Melissa and The beginning. And again, I don't think the KD best of measures up.

What do you all think? I realize that this is like saying "I love St. Anger...Kill Em All is Ok..." from a new school Metallica fan. Reason for an ass kicking, at least. But this is my feeling. I think PUPPETMASTER is the greatest metal album of the year, but I wasn't hooked on the older KD stuff......

Let the beatings begin!
Be gentle,
I prefer the old King Diamond myself. I've been listening to him since Fatal Portrait came out and he had a string of albums that I thought were remarkable (Fatal Portrait, Abigail, Them, Conspiracy, The Eye, Spider's Lullabye). I found Voodoo, The Graveyard, and Abigail II to be a little weak although The Puppetmaster is awesome. House of God was good too.

As for Mercyful Fate, again with the old. In The Beginning, Melissa, and Don't Break The Oath are bonifide classics!
You, Psychonaut, are a great American. I thank you for your reply and not tearing me to shreds. After reading my post again, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trashing OLD KD, I'm just saying it doesn't hit me as hard as Puppetmaster. Maybe I should pick up the complete albums of Abigail and Fatal portrait and judge again? I know a lot of times the "Best Of" packages leave out some real gems....
At this point in time, I'll listen to anything by Diamond & MF. I also can't get enough of that band & actaully didn't discover KD until his "Them" disc back in the day. Shame on me I know. Back then I was more into the Hard Rock of the 80's & didn't really pay too much attention to the heavier stuff(as I should have).
I think Abigail is the best KD album, but I also think The Puppetmaster is great. Ted, get Abigail or Conspiracy and you will be very impressed. Voodoo is awesome as well...fuck it-all King is great. Buy them all!
You know, I'm not trying to play a KD suck up here, because I will, and usually do say it like it is. But King Diamond is one fella I hold very dear to me. I grew up with him and Mercyful Fate. So I'm not just saying this, I TRULY mean it. There is not ONE album that he has ever put out yet that I have not fallen in complete love with. This little guy is no doubt one of the most talented and gifted artists I've ever known. So I wouldn't be much help to you on this thread, they are all my favorites.
I usually prefer the 'classic era' (1986-1990), but with the "Puppet Master", I'm beginning to change my mind! The NEW CD is THAT GOOD! It's among the BEST thing he's ever done.

Some of the mid-90s Diamond was good, but not up-to-par, IMO. The "Graveyard" is a fine example: the first half was great, but some of the 2nd half is just too silly to take seriously.

However, he's back on track with Abi II & Puppet!

As for MFate, NOTHING will touch the first 2 full-lengths, but "In the Shadows" is damned-near close!
arborist said:
I think Abigail is the best KD album, but I also think The Puppetmaster is great. Ted, get Abigail or Conspiracy and you will be very impressed. Voodoo is awesome as well...fuck it-all King is great. Buy them all!
Same for me.
My fave King Diamond cds are from the Roadrunner-era, but the new stuff like The Puppetmaster kick serious ass.